
Friends cost too much!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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Apparently, having friends cost too much.

How do you know if a friend is just using you for the things you have? Like a car, money,etc.

How would you protect yourself for this?




  1. I've actually just gone  through this, it really is hard to find genuine people now a days, But i look at it like a give and take, but if you feel like your giving and giving and not getting anything back, then its not a real friendship. And you need to cut those people loose, because you don't need friends who are parasites.  

  2. if they now wnt 2 hang out more sice u got a car

  3. if they cost too much, theyre not really friends.

  4. You know your friends are using you when they ask you to buy them things and take them out. You're the one who is always paying.

    I think you should tell that person that you don't want to hang out with them anymore. Unless you're a rich kid, you really don't have to money to be spending on other people, now do you?

  5. well lk dnt let them no u hv lots of money till they acchly lk u and then u can tell them or sumfin

    mine plz;...

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