
Friends loosing weight??

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she wants to loose 30 pounds. so she said when school starts shes not going to eat breakfast (she doesnt have time and its too early for her because it upsets her stomach, so that part is normal for her) and then 2 out of the five days of school she wont eat lunch, and then basically all she will eat is dinner....with no snacking while in school or before she wants to know how much weight she will loose in a month??

note: shes asking this question, shes not looking for answers saying its unhealthy, she just wants to know how much weight she will loose

shes 130 pounds and 5'1




  1. Wow, you really know a lot about your friend.  

  2. Breakfast actually boosts your metabolism for the day, so if you don't eat breakfast, you will probably not digest as much, and will also be hungrier, and will therefore eat more than usual during lunch and/or dinner. When I started dieting last year for 3 months, I found that eating a healthy breakfast made you lose weight, apples have fibre, which moves down the process faster, so you lose weight every day, if you eat fruits with fibre. You can just eat really small portions and really slowly. If you want to know how much weight you will lose, probably like you will gain more, since your diet won't work well.

    Here are some tips:

    Eat fruits with fibre, they will make the process faster

    Eat your breakfast, instead of maybe eating a big lunch, have a fruit salad.


    Try vegetarianism, but for a quick time, during the diet, if she isnt doing this already.

    p.s. when you are a vege., be careful to get enough of the nutrients you need, like soy milk, (or regular if not dieting vegan) protein like legumes, peanuts, and all the others like grain.

  3. she could lose a good amount of weight(mostly muscle and less fat), if she can last. if she doesnt all that weight she lost will come back fast.

  4. skipping meals is silly...why is it loose?just replace each meal that she plans to skip with a glass of chocolate milk...

  5. You can't guess that.  It depends on her metabolism and how active she is.  The more active she is the more calories she will burn and the more weight she will lose.  If she has a slower metabolism then her body will not be as willing to give up the calories.

  6. Well, it's not so much about how many meals she gets, but what those meals consist of. Calories should be her main focus....she will get MUCH BETTER RESULTS if she does eat 3 meals a day, just smaller and more along the lines of fresh veggies and fruits and lean meat.

    If she cuts her calories lower than about 1,000 calories a day, the chances are she won't lose anything, or will but at a very slow rate (no more than .5-1 pound(s) a week) cause the body will go into starvation mode and retain weight and water as long as possible. And I promise you, if you cut it back to that much per day, the 1 meal a day she eats, she will eventually binge.

    Also, this is VERY bad to have your blood sugar be that low that long, and will increase the chance of early diabetes. You should get some food within the first hour or two of waking up, and it can be something small like a piece of fruit or a granola bar and some milk, but it is important none the less. The goal for a woman that size should be at least 1,500 calories, closer to 1800-2000 is ideal.

    I have been on a modified version of the slim-fast plan and I have lost about 28 pounds in the course of about 3 and half months. I workout for about an hour a day 5-6 days a week, including weights, runnings, and free flow exercise such as sit ups, push ups, etc.

    Drinking plenty of water will help you out as well. It will make you feel more full longer and help prevent snacking. Also, if your "friend" is under the age of 19, she should be getting good nutrition, as she is still growing and your body needs those proteins and nutrients to grow strong for adulthood. Poor nutrition during teenage years is proven to cause bone and fertility problems later in life, so do be careful.

    If you do all that, combined with some form of exercise most days, you can lose up to about 10 pounds in a month in a healthy way. So the moral to the story is if the goal is to lose weight, just cutting out meals all together will hurt you a heck of a lot more than it will help (you will lose up to 75% less weight that way).

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