
Friends pls tel me difference between FACIAL PALSY and BELL'S PALSY...?

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Friends pls tel me difference between FACIAL PALSY and BELL'S PALSY...?




  1. I agree mostly with what Jeffrey says...

    Facial Palsy however can be a catch all term for things that paralyze the face, some which are more a permanent feature.

    With Bells Palsy, it is usually a temporary condition that affects the 7th cranial nerve due to damage or a viral condition.  There are instances of Bells Palsy that do not resolve but they are rare.  

    Similar but not always the same.  :-)

  2. There is no difference between the two. The two words are used interchangeably. Most MD's will refer to the specific condition as Bell's Palsy where most people will express where the condition effects them...Facial Palsy.

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