
Friends son is 7month & he is 23lbs what do you think ? I say he is over wight and she feeds him every 3 hr?

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do you think I should say anything?




  1. My son was the same weight and ate very similar at his age... my son is also tall for his age so he really doesn't look pudgy and he just likes to snack a lot .. he's a grazer (sp?) .... My brother weighed 20lbs at 4 months old and now he's healthy and athletic with a very athletic body ... so I wouldn't say anything ... I know a lot of "fat" babies that grow into their bodies ...  

  2. she shouldnt be feeding a 7 month old every 3 hours unless the doctor tells her to. you should say something.

  3. Don't say anything. Leave that up to her pediatrician. A seven month old child should be fed maybe every five hours.... 23 pounds is the weight of a 21 month old Baby.

  4. my nephews were the same way when they were around that age but once they learned how to walk they slimmed down so i think he'll be fine :)

  5. That 7 month old isn't OVERweight, it's UNDERweight.  They need to feed that horse more properly or else it will never see a race track!    

  6. Are you a horse

  7. I don't think a 7 month old should be on a horse

  8. What is this doing here? It belongs in the "newborn and baby" section, under the Pregnancy/Parenting category. Try asking it there, you'll get far better answers. This has nothing to do with horses or racing.  

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