
Friends thinking of naming her baby Nevaeh - help!?

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How do I talk her out of it? She is not budging!!




  1. I have a friend with a little girl by that name.  It's spelled different though, but sounds the same and I think it's pretty although I wouldn't name my kid that.

  2. Gross.

    I don't think there is much you can do.

  3. Yes you are trippin Meh I do not see anything wrong with that name  

  4. Tell her the opposite (backwards) of heaven is h**l. So you're basically naming your child h**l. If that doesn't work there's no use in trying anymore!*

  5. well, the baby will have a name hard to pronounce and everybody will mix it up.. sadly

  6. Let her name her baby what she wants. It's her baby, not yours.

  7. She things its unique doesn't she.  Its not.  Point her to the top 100 baby names list for 2007.  Its on there-not unique at all.

    And if she's looking for something that signifies her faith in god or something like that, a good old fashioned bible name that's not in common use is always a better choice-ruth, ester, deborah.

    Finally, if she just really likes the name, suggest it makes a better middle name.

  8. My grandmother's name was Neva. Pronounced neeva.   She was german and a great grandma, nice person to everyone. She saved a lot of people's lives.    

  9. Talk her out of it?!?!....Naveah is a beautiful should not be any of your business what your friend name her daughter.  

  10. Sadly, you might not be able to. Maybe just make a list of name a send it to her. Or maybe buy her a name book. You could also show her how horrible of an image Nevaeh has and how horribly overused and tacky it is.(on this site and many others)

  11. Whos baby is this yours or hers? Its her baby let her name it what she wants to name it! When you have a baby you can name him/her what you want to name him/her! The name isn't that bad! Yes its becoming popular... Let her do what she wants and support it, thats what friends are for. How would you feel if that was done to you?  

  12. if she wants to name her baby something the baby will be teased about, let her do it. otherwise, tell her about the answers to this question & how much the name sucks. nobody names their child after a mystical place backwards & get away with it without being teased

  13. Tell her that since it's her baby ...she can do whatever she wants and that you want to apologize for being a nosy and pushy friend.

    Nevaeh is cute...and if the mom likes it...butt out.

    Feel free to not name YOUR kid Nevaeh.

    There's nothing more annoying than someone who has no business naming the baby, fighting you on something that doesn't involve them.

  14. First off, you can let her know that it sounds tacky. When I see that name on a baby, I can usually count on the mother to be collecting food stamps and just waiting to have another child, or the mother to be a child in high school herself.

    Yes, I know stereotypes are awful. However, it is one of the first things that comes to mind when I hear this name. It comes to mind because I have know a few Nevaeh's who are in that situation.

    Yes - it is ultra-trendy right now. Yes, the name meaning "heaven" seems like a rather sweet though. NO, this does NOT make a good name.

    However, if you have tried all of these arguments, it is then time to keep your mouth shut. You've told her that the name isn't your favorite and will most likely be associated with some negative thoughts. Final line - this is not your baby and you don't get to name her. It sucks, but at least it's not "Talula Does the Hula from Hawaii" (which should be considered child abuse!).

  15. I knew one girl who named her baby Nevaeh.  She was 15 and then when she was 6 months pregnant hooked up with a 22 yr old who had just been released from prison.  Last I heard, he went back to prison and she was living in a trailer park somewhere.  So tell your friend she doesn't want to add that legacy to her baby.

  16. Thats a beautiful name. Let her name her child what she wants. You can name yours when you have one. =)

  17. That's not a very good name. It will be hard for the child as he/she gets older and wants to be respected with a nice name. Show her all of the answers and maybe she will see that it's not going to benefit the child in the long run.

  18. Nothing you can do about it - it's not your baby!

  19. Search this section for other questions regarding this "name". If the general consensus that it's c**p doesn't convince her, recommend one of these to her.

    They all mean heaven or something relating to heaven:































  20. Try suggesting that she name her daughter Celia, which means heaven. I think it's pretty. Céline is the french version. Also, since she's into rearranging letters, the name Celia can be rearranged into Alice.

    The latin word for 'heavens' is 'Caela', pronounced either 'Cayla' or 'Kyla'.

    Alternatively, she could name her Devin/Devon, which rhymes with heaven.

    And if she doesn't like any of these ideas and is still abstinent on naming her daughter Neveah, then, as others before me have said, you'll just have to step back and accept that it's her child and she can name her whatever she wants.

    I hope I've helped:)

  21. She and her husband should choose the child's name.

  22. tell her it is tacky and way overused. not original at all. find a name that means something similar to heaven. i think most people find it annoying.

  23. a girl i work with named her daughter that i think it is pretty. let her name her child what she wants it is her baby

  24. not a good idea, but there's really nothing you can do about it. her kid will have a hec of a time when she's an adult with such a cheesy name though.  

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