
Friends trying to out do me or what? What should I do about it?

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Okay so so wants to be like me and better. For example, today we walked by a group of kids about our age hanging out by the homeless shelter. I was telling how I felt bad for them, not even having nice clothes to go back to school in. My friend immediately called the shelter and asked for the kids sizes. Then she asked her "daddy" for his credit card, bought a really nice outfit for each child and is planning to deliever them when they come (don't worry she got next day air lol).

It's not just nice things. I get the Wii, so does she (that was a while ago). I got a new iPod, she wanted it. Stuff like that ALL THE TIME! How do I deal?




  1. then you should act before she does ! and if that doesn't work then just don't say anything when u want something new or wanna do something nice duh !

  2. ugh i know how you feel my best friend does it all the time i just let it go

  3. Why would you let something like that annoy you? Who cares if she gets a Wii after you or wants an iPod?

  4. i would take it as a compliment she obviously looks up to u i would just give her a challenge or just mess with her tell her u want something u dont and laugh when she gets it i use to have a friend like that and id have alot of fun

  5. Well, you could take this in a few different ways.

    A: She is jealous and competitive.

    B. You are arrogant and she wants to show you up and put you in your place.

    C. Both of the above.

    She may just be the kind of person who has to be better than everyone else- if not, at least equal. Maybe she just wants to be like you. But she needs to understand the meaning of being an individual.

    Or, you may just be arrogant. But I don't know that. I know, in my big group of friends, theres this one girl who's always bragging and complaining and saying how smart she is (but in reality, we're accually smarter than her-) And we as a group always try to show her up and smack her back into reality that she's not as good as she thinks she is.

    Or, you just may be bragging a little, and she's a little jealous.

    This is probably one of those things you have to deal with.

    I'm deffinately not rich- but I go to a private school, and its not exactly the richest one around, and most of my friends don't have a lot of money and say how much cool stuff I have, but they don't realize the cool stuff they have, too.

    I know two of my friends have condo's at the beach, one has a boat and a cabin, one has a pool, and they've all got cool stuff, but its harder to realize what you have when someone else has something cool that you don't.

  6. There's an old quote that says, "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."

    Your friend admires you and wants to be like you.  It appears that she's chosen you as her role model.  She looks to you for guidance on how to act, what to think, and what to buy.  

    You should be flattered, but it can also be annoying. When you have an idea, encourage her to offer her own opinion or to come up with a variation on yours. For instance, you could say, "I'm thinking of donating some of my old clothes to the shelter.  What else do you think we could do to help homeless people?"  Here's another example, "I'm thinking of asking my parents for a new phone for my birthday.  What do you think of that idea?  What kind of phones do you like?"

    The message you're very gently sending is that she is NOT you; she is her own person and it's OK to have her own opinions.

  7. I know a friend like that. She is impossible. She has a bad family life where love is measured in money and possessions. Just try to ignore it and be happy for her. What she is looking for is the attention.

  8. that sucks.  but i mean apparently she is doing good.  It's not helpful to them when you say stuff like "aww sucks for homeless people" it's better to 'actually' help them and that's what she did.  

    As for the wii and ipod and stuff.  I have all those consoles/devices as well as my friends.  Many people have wii's and ipods, even ps3's and xbox's etc.  

    No matter what, there will always be a friend who outdoes the other.  You just have to deal with it.  You can't say "oh i don't like you copying me, don't help homeless people, stop doing what i'm doing"  If that bothers you so much you can always drop her as a friend?

  9. get over it. its something nice she did.  

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