
Friends which boxer has inspired you most?

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My inspiration has always been Joe Frazier. I admire him because he was :

1. A clean fighter

2. Deeply religious and simple man.

I have only fought amateur bouts in college, and Smokin' Joe was always my inspiration.

Rehman of Multan




  1. I'm 14 and an obsessed boxing fan and my favorite fighter is Kelly "the ghost" Pavlik

    because hes a undefeated knockout artist that came from nothing and rose to the top.

  2. My vote would go to Joe Louis....Held the title for 12 years and fought everyone available.  Never ducked any fighter.  A clean fighter with so much talent.....A gentlemen who said little but when he did say something it was from the heart.  America needed a hero at the time when  that nut case Hitler tried to pass off Germany as "The Master Race".  Joe was that hero  along with Jesse Owens...

    Never a "showboat, Louis just got in there and did what he had to do.  Also gave one of his big purses to the war effort and was thanked by the IRS by being hounded for the rest of his life for back taxes.  Nothing strange about that, The IRS also hounded Sgt. Alvin York, a hero of WW1 the same way.  I guess that is the way we treat our hero's.  Don't get me wrong....This is the greatest country on earth.

  3. id say probably oscar de la hoya or evander holyfield... altough so has ali and many more



  4. my favorite boxer was Marvin Hagler he was the best middleweight boxer of all time

  5. Roy jones no doubt, I remember the 90's watching one of his first fights on tv, and just though.

    WHOA who is this fast handed guy with crazy reflexes...

    Hes also very respectful man who also is Religious,,,

    and a very  clean fighter.....

  6. i'd say the greatest muhammed ali, he is a legend who fought and beat the best and ducked no one

  7. kimbo slice

  8. •Muhammad Ali, Rumble in the Jungle, not to mention his stance against the Vietnam war, Its surprising Ali wasn't shot back then along with Malcom X and Martin Luther King.

    Ali was out of the ring 3 years and came back and still became champion another two times against a monster In George Foreman, 3 blood n guts near death battles with Frazier.

    He had his Jaw broken in the Norton fight in the early rounds and still fought and finished the fight. Thats respect right there.

    He beat Sonny Liston when people thought he was going to get creamed.

    Ali was smart, handsome and the greatest of all time.

    He went to Korea and talked the dictator at the time into freeing prisoners of war.

    He had some of the most inspiring quotes of all time.

    And although its not published Ali has the shortest poem of all time.

    The shortest poem recorded is Adam Had 'em., But Ali said in front of a I think Yale auditorium, a student stood up and said "give us a poem champ!"

    Ali thought for a second and then he said "Me, We" so Ali along with everything else also has the shortest poem of all time.

    When people were being blacklisted and threatened even killed for their anti-Vietnam war opinions.

    Muhammad Ali was the heavyweight champion of the world, he had everything to lose, possibly even his life, but he still said "No Viet Kong ever called me Ni99er" Imagine the balls it would take for black man in the early 60's before the anti-war hippie movement even started he came out and said the US was wrong for what they were doing.

    He could have kept his title and not been suspended from boxing (causing him too lose millions, and lose all his own wealth) All he had to do was apologize for his remarks in front of the boxing council board..and he refused, got up and walked out of the proceedings.

    Man.....Inspiration!? the man is the embodiment of inspiration.

    Ali said later in his career "Everybody loves me now, my name is magic" your d**n right he was.

    Its a crime that Muhammad Ali is not taught in history class's, does anybody know If they cover Ali in black history?? they ******* better.

    And yes After the 3rd Frazier fight when Eddie Futch wouldnt let Frazier come out for the final round Ali said after the fight "Thats the closest ive been to death"

    Ask George Foreman who the best man in history is. Even though Ali taunted him, Beat Him, and made him look silly. Foreman sais Ali is the best man he has ever known.

    And if you have not seen the documentary "When we were Kings" you have to go out and get it. Its all about the Rumble in the Jungle with George Foreman. A must see for any boxing fan.

    The rumble in the jungle actually makes me tear up when Ali comes off the rope and starches Big George. As soon as the fight was over the African Rains started pouring down and thunder and lighting ripped across the skies.

    That fight was magic and so is Muhammad Ali.

    I apologize for the length, but when talking about Muhammad Ali i just cant shut up.

  9. 1 and 2

  10. Although my favorite fighter was Sonny Liston, believe it or not. I too believe he was ruled by others. When Sonny was let loose, he was a powerhouse. The jab alone beat many. Ask Chuck Wepner how good Sonny was, even at his advanced age and last fight.

    The fighter that inspired me the most however is a tie between Joe Louis and Rocky Marciano.

    Joe Louis ruled forever, served his country proudly and was a gentleman in and out.

    Rocky got the most being one of the shortest champions,had the shortest reach, but retired undefeated. Best conditioned and the biggest heart. Couldn't defeat this man.

  11. MOHD.  ALI.

  12. myself i am famous guess who i am!

  13. I still watch the classic fights of Mohammed Ali - as a kid when

    I was growing up I have followed him and his fights. He is an

    inspirational person and character. His famous quotes -

    Fly like a butterfly and sting like a bee even today are discussed. I am not sure how religious he was even though I

    know he followed most of his career following the Black

    Muslim - but he was a talkative and provocative fighter. Even

    today many admire him and he has used by politicians and

    UN  for many reasons.

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