
Friends with Benefits, or more?

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For the past month I've been seeing one of my best friends in a somewhat friends-with-benefits type situation. I've known him for about 6 years, and he is closer to me than anyone else I know (likewise for him with me). We've always shared a close bond (previously like brother and sister), but only recently did he share with me my (but not his) first kiss, and then a few steps further. We both feel comfortable with this setup, and I see it as a learning experience for future relationships.

However, my friends continuously ask me if I have developed feeling for him yet that are stronger than friendship. I thought that it was impossible because of the close bond we shared as friends, but as they continue to question me I feel less secure about my state of being.

What is the best way to handle this situation? It's all so new, and I'd prefer to ask someone who is not biased (as my friends would be).




  1. On one hand, your friends are meddling in your life. You don't have to answer their questions and you can tell them to stop asking.

    OTOH, your friends are right. There is no FWB that serves as a "learning experience for future relationships". If that were the case, it would be totally accepted socially as the right thing to do. It is not accepted as such, because the girl is at such a disadvantage. This "brother" will ultimately tell you he has a gf, and you will be devastated after deluding yourself about the whole thing.

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