
Friends with a male Aries, and I'm a Pisces female....?

by  |  earlier

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I care alot about this man, but he didn't want an exclusive relationship at the time that I did. I broke things off, and now we are friends. I'm just curious then, why is he so protective over me now? I've started dating someone else and he is supportive, but makes snide comments about him. He has also made comments like he didn't know he had such a good thing until he lost it...etc. I hear from him now almost every day and he's been right there for me when before it was like twisting his arm to help me out. What's going on????




  1. Well my ex was an aries and I'm pisces So I can see what you're going through, been there before.

    Aries guys are known to be possessive and from what you've told, I can say he still has some feelings for you.

    My ex used to call me after we broke up, being a piscean I really don't like breaking hearts but I had to stop him somewhere. Also my current boyfriend was getting nervous about his frequent calls and meeting demands. So I had to make a serious talk. Since than I haven't heard of him.

    We're not friends now, but we're not ennemies neither. He's just a stranger and that's all.

    Hope you're happy with the guy you're with. Wish you the best :)

  2. First off, you must realize that beliving in horiscope is not only against God, but also, lus, and down right  Totally and absolutely ridiculous don't you?

    Secondly, what are you asking yahoo answers, when all we can do i guess? Why not ask him directly?

  3. Well, the thing about all fire signs is that they love the chase. They like a challenge and Pisces aren't known for being very challenging (other than getting them to pay attention! LOL)...This holds true.....unless they are with someone else. Haven't you heard the saying "Wanting what you can't have?" Fire and air signs are notorious about this!

    It is highly possible that if you were to quit dating the guy you are dating now in favor of your Aries, he would revert back to his old behavior. Usually with an Aries the only way to make it exclusive is to make him chase for a very, very long time. That way when they do catch, it is more valuable to them.

    Hate to put it that way, but that's how it is sometimes! Water signs especially dislike this concept because the last thing they want to be is the equivalent of the prize buck hanging over the fireplace! LOL. You might do better with another water sign or an earth sign unless you really feel like your Aries is worth it!

    Good luck either way!


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