
Friends with benefits.....?

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just wondering what everyones thoughts on friends with benefits are. have you ever had one?.. is it bad that a 16 yr old girl and a 20 yr old guy are friends with benefits?




  1. i knew a girl who had one. don't do it its S****y. and a 16 year old with a 20 year old is bad lol very bad

  2. The guy is headed for jail and you are headed for pregnancy, poverty, and a "h**l" of a life if that is what you are doing.  If you were my sister I would send you to the most desolate religious relative I had and leave you there until you grew some d**n sense to respect your body, if you are parent-less my heart goes out to you, if you have a parent they need to lock you down (I'm assuming you are the 16 year old girl asking this question)  s******g up your life when you are that young is stupid, get some schooling, go to college, or find a decent guy who is not going to sleep with you before you are married, and definitely not this pedophile scumbag!   What is wrong with you, haven't you heard of Aids and the hundreds of other STD's out there?  Did you miss that day in school???   I am not trying to brow beat you but you need to cut it out, rethink what you are doing.  I just lost a girl I know to mental breakdown because she caught aids s******g around, is that what you want?  

  3. Some of my best friends have been friends with benefits, but in your case, I think it is bad if one of the friends is a 16yr old girl. Both friends should be at least 18 & consenting adults with the understanding that they are Friends & are fully aware of the consequences.

  4. i have a friend with benefits right now. Just be careful. If he gets a girlfriend, try not to be to upset. What i am doing is just pretending that we are just friends, so i don't set myself up for getting hurt.There is nothing wrong with you being 16 and him being 20, just don't have s*x with him because that is illegal and he could go to jail.

  5. First:

    Yes, yes I have. He tore my heart to shreads. He destroyed me from the inside out. Because, if you're just friends with benifits, nothing is official. I gave him everything I had... but he didn't give me anything in return. It's just wrong. I'll never do that again.


    Yes, because that would be illegal... I think.... and still, ew! Try a 16 year old guy. They're cuter. :)

    Hope I helped...



  6. Bad???  It's illegal honey.  Friends with benefits - for the woman, it's like being a w***e without getting paid.  

  7. I have had them and they can be nice if BOTH parties know the deal.

    As for the 16 year old and you,I guess it depends on what country/state you are in.

    If you're in the US,  that will be fine as long as you don't mind large men in prison doing the same things to you, that you did to her. They probably won't be as attractive as she was, but you'll be Full-Filled for sure!  

  8. Big problem, the 20 year old is using the 16 year old.  16 year old needs to cut off the relationship.  20 year old only want the s*x, and is sleeping with a lot of others, that is why he will not commit to the realtionship.  20 year old wants the 16 year old, because he figures she is so young and so stupid too even figure out what is going on.  But, what will be going on is an unwanted pregnenacy for both,  plenty of STDs for both, and jail time for the 20 year old.

    He does not feel the same, otherwise he would be in a commited relationship with you.  He only wants the s*x, and at 20, trust me you are not the only girl he is sleeping with.

  9. Thats kind of S****y you may make a name for yourself, this guy is obviously using you. Someone (probally you) is bound to get attatched and the other wont so someone will get very hurt. You are setting yourself up for heartache. This guy sounds a sleze and a bit of a perve going after a young girl. Open your eyes to the world its not all as innocent as it seems.

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