
Friends?help me out here people?

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i am going into grade seven how can i make new friends so that if 1 of my other friends moves away i will have others to hang out with?plwase help me out!




  1. Be friendly and respectful towards people.

  2. I'm in 6th. This is how i make friends and you should do the same. Ask them their name then tell them yours. After that find out more about them. See if they live next to you. See if she wants to be your friend and tlk to her a lunch

  3. Just be urself no 1 likes sum 1 that dosen't act like themselves! ^__^

  4. Be outgoing.

    and talk to people

  5. The best way by far to make friends is to be yourself. I know people say that all the time and everyone always worries that maybe who they are isn't good enough, but it will be. Really easy ways to make friends - sit with people at lunch, find common ground (from favorite music, to awesome hair, to cute boys, to bad teachers), and open yourself up to people around you. Also, you can always plan a study group with some of the kids in your class.

  6. Be open to all types of people.  Try not to limit yourself to just a couple people.  Be friendly to everyone.  Then, no matter who moves away, you'll still have friends.

    Then, of course, you could always keep in touch with those that do move away.  

  7. Well look for someone that you know in one of your classes and say "HI" and introduce yourself. Don't being discouraged. BE YOURSELF! That's why i have a lot of friends, cuz im myself. Also lol you can do it to anyone that you know in any of your classes. You control your life.

  8. Just have random conversations with people.

    Compliment something that you like on them, and let the conversation go from there.

  9. no worries dude, er, lady. the basic way is to strike up a conversation with a person you have judged to be a good friend. if you play an instrument or sport, try talking to people who do it also so you can relate. you could also join a club, though there aren't many in junior high. still though, just do it on the first day for sure, because on the first day of the school year, everyone is looking for people to talk to, so it would be crazy to just sit there and miss out

  10. just intoduce yourself to people you sit by in your classes. thats how i started making friends in middle school. be youself!  

  11. in your classes there will be new people, new seats and everything.

    just talk to everyone around you and you'll make friends instantly

  12. Don't worry about it! If you are just yourself you will naturally find someone who shares the same views and interests, and you will become buds =) Just introduce yourself, and if they are truly nice people they will invite you to do little everyday things like sit with them at lunch, or work with them on a school project.

    Good luck! =)

  13. Act agreeable and friendly. Don't be afraid to say when you think something is lame, and single out a girl/girls who have a lot of friends and spend time around them. All it takes is one popular girl to be your friend, and you'll have lots of friends through her.  

  14. Be yourself.

  15. be nice to everyone, and be yourself! Make sure you dont talk behind anyones back because everyone likes to talk and it will get back to you and no one will trust you or want to hang out with you.

  16. oh man I remeber 7th grade the most scariest yet exciting time. dont worry about it. Your not going to be the only one feeling this way. Everyone else is in the same boat. What you can do is be yourself and curteous to others engage in activities and conversations and be careful who you hang out with. If your a smart girl then you can figure out what I'm saying. And word of advice...its totally easy to "gossip" and hurt peoples feelings without knowing you do. Just be nice as you would want others to be the same to you. Its a scary thing to start out in a new place so good luch with that and remember your first crush is just your first there will be others.

  17. Just talk to people and don't be shy. Remember that first impressions are best impressions! if you act friendly and bring up conversations with other people in your year, chances are that they will approach you and talk to you aswell!!!! then friendships will be formed! good luck!

  18. gurl think of school as a second home. you will soon enough know everyone on your whole hallway and even people on your bus (dats if u ride one). school just started last week monday and even all da new people encluding six graders knew everyone on their hallway, bus, and even people they dont see or talk to much to often. it aint that hard even if people consider you as a "lame" or somethin....someone is gonna talk to you sooner or later:D

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