
Friendship between a man and a it possible?

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Many people think it is not you have friends (ONLY friends) from the opposite s*x? is it possible to be friends without having 'romantic' feelings, tendencies or anything AT ALL??

I used to think it was possible, but in the end, there is always 'something', even if it never becomes real...what do you think?




  1. Unless their g*y.All the male friends I had became attracted to me.

  2. i am a girl and i have loads of friends who are boys. we have no problem vithin our group. boys and girls can be good friends

  3. yeah my best friend is a guy..we use to sleep in the same bed together and everything..and we are only friends .it is possible, if you are really friends , you would not look at each other with the wrong if you find one hold on to him, he can really give good advise on the guys you are dating..Good Luck

  4. I think that it is possible but it is alot of work. I have a friend R and we have been friends for about 15 yrs. Every thing was great and we hung out all the time but whenever I would get a boyfriend he would get mad. So I ended up having to sit him down and talking to him about it. now we are fine. But normally there is always feelings on one side.

  5. Anything is Possible - but men and women as Friends Usually turns into more than that very easily !

    Play with the Bull you Might Get The Horn !

    I Say NO - I Will want to HIT That at some point !

  6. its possiblyy..i have tons of boy friends and im a girl.

  7. yes of course its possible.

    I have friends that are guys and i only have feelings for my boyfriend none of my friends.

  8. It is very possible. I have a few guy friends, and of course girls like to show off a little for them. But that doesn't mean we have feelings for some of these guys! I like this one guy, and we're friends. And I have a few other guy-friends too and we're all good! No chemistry. If you have 'romantic' feelings with every guy, then maybe you like every guy! But I think it is VERY possible to have a friendship of the opposite gender. :) Hope I have helped and have a great day!

  9. Actually, no I'm convinced its not possible

  10. It's possible but it is difficult. I have had lady friends in the past and you do find yourself wondering what they would be like in a intimate relationship sometimes. I think it's harder for guys to have lady friends than it is for women to have male friends because let's face it most men are H0rny as h**l and we don't usually need a commitment or connection to jump in the sack.

  11. Yes.

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