
Friendship question .. idk what to do!?

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what do u do when your BESTEST friend is going to move to another country the following year for good .. and she wants to 'drift' apart from you, so when that day comes its not too painfull to say goodbye?!

Do i let that happen ? .. i mean i really don't want us to drift apart, idk what i'm supposed to do without her! but the thing is i dn't want her or me to hurt either!!

(We are REALLY close)




  1. havnt you heard?


    best friend forever


  2. i've had this experience at least twice in the past few years and it will happen again next year when i would be the one who has to move away.

    the best thing to do is live life the way you would as if she's not going anywhere because thinking about losing each other constantly will only shorten your time together.  let nature take its course.  keep your mind off of it and spend more quality time together.

    of course there would be days where you would feel sad and feel like crying, the best solution is let your tears out and comfort each other.  you would feel so much better because keeping your tears in would make you feel even depressed. so once you let it all out, you can move on and focus on the happier things.

    have a great year.

  3. this is a really bad anaolgy, but its sort of like ripping a band-aid off. the slower u do it, the more painful it is. but when u do it quick, it doesnt hurt as bad. u will miss her either way, but if u drift apart u will miss her before, and after she is gone. enjoy the time u have left together and hopefully, u can stay in touch

  4. my best frend moved 2 thailand 4 1 and a half year

    drifting away is the stupidest thing ive ever hurd

    either way it hurts

    i say u shood stay as you are now and keep in touch

    good luck!

  5. I had a friend move away from me to a really far place last year, and we were really close too!We were best friends till the end, but now she doesn't really reply to my mails.

    But I certainly don't think YOU shouldn't let that happen! 'Drifting away' doesn't really make the goodbye less painful, anyway.

  6. keep in contact as much as possible bcoz there is nothing else you can do-you can always visit.  

  7. you can always talk on the phone and email. a true friendship is just to valuable to throw it away for things like that

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