
Frightened about flying - help!!!!?

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im going a holiday tommorow they flight is 2 hours long iv been on a plane 4 times before but i am still so nervous what can help me feel better




  1. If it makes you feel better, flying scares the c**p out of me too, and I fly at least once or twice a month for work, and it's never any better.  I just keep telling myself that it's safe.

    Sleeping does help, and for long flights, I do take something to help me sleep (like Nyquil or Sominex).  I'm just really groggy when I get off the plane then  :-)

  2. The good news is, you really don't need to worry about safety issues with flying. It is truly the safest mode of modern transportation.

    Furthermore, once you stop blaming the industry for your fears, you will instantly have significantly more psychological power to reduce your symptoms of anxiety.

    So when you notice your symptoms, tell yourself, "It's OK I'm feeling this way. I expect to be nervous right now. I can handle this." Then work on believing those thoughts, not just repeating the words.

    Using Paradox During Panic

    Take a Calming Breath, then begin natural breathing. Don't fight your physical symptoms and don't run away.

    Observe your predominant physical symptom at this moment. Say to yourself, "I am going to take voluntary control of these symptoms. I would like to increase my [name the predominant symptom]."

    Consciously attempt to increase that symptom.

    Now attempt to increase all the other symptoms you notice: "I would like to perspire more than this. Let me see if I can become very dizzy and make my legs turn into jelly, right now."

    Continue natural breathing, while you consciously and fully attempt to increase all your symptoms of panic.

    Do not get trapped in worried, critical, or hopeless comments ("This better start working soon! I certainly must be doing this wrong. It'll never work.")

    The Calming Response

    (Parasympathetic Response)

    oxygen consumption decreases

    breathing slows

    heart reat slows

    blood pressure decreases

    muscle tension decreases

    growing sense of ease in body, calmness in mind

  3. 2 hours is nothing. Just grit your teeth and bring a book. On a flight like that you just need to relax. It's over before it even gets started.

  4. More accidents happen in cars than in planes. Planes are pretty darn safe. You should take something to keep you occupied to get your mind off of whatever you fear about them. Either that or sleep.

  5. I'm the same, I hate flying it scares the shiit out of me. I take magazines with me to try and make the time pass quicker. I know it's the safest way to travel but when I get on that plane I just can't wait to get off it again. I don't think I could ever do a long haul flight. I know this doesn't help but at least you know your not the only one who feels this way.

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