
Frightening dream?

by  |  earlier

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so this is what happened

6am the alarm goes off, i get out of bed, into the kitchen and put the coffee on, this is usual every morning the same.

Anyway i am thinking of what to do for tea that night, and it suddenly comes to be that i am asleep,i stop and wonder for a moment, then i start to walk slow back to the bedroom, as i look i am still in bed, really, i keep looking just for a moment, then i walk back to the kitchen, and say to myself well there is one way to find out, i put the kettle on and wait for it to boil, then i put my arm over the sink and pour the boiling water onto it, it doesnt hit but i wake up with such a jolt i nearly fell out the bed. scary stuff.




  1. Well sinse you put boiling water on your hand you probably felt like it was happening in real life and you woke up with a scare!

    For example if your'e dreaming that your'e falling off a probably just fell off your bed. ;)

  2. haha i never had those XD

    that made me laugh..I did dream onece when i was like 7 years old that I was in a video game & there was a dinosour on a side & a gorilla on another & I was in the middle & the gorrilla stepped on me & I woke up jumping off the bed..;iterally & all that happenned in only 1 minute (I threw myself on the bed & fell asleep immediatley then woke up..jumping off the bedd XD)

  3. That is lucid dreaming at its finest, don't worry its quite rare, it probably won't happen again. But if it does, don't boil the kettle!!!

  4. wow i hate dreams like that!

    thats scary stuff

  5. Dude I've had a dream like that but i got burned by a cig. butt that c**p is frickin' scary!
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