
Frightening realistic dream?

by  |  earlier

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Last night I had a dream where I was in a bed in a room, but not MY room or MY bed. I had this strange thought or rather a sense that I was somebody else. I knew that I was asleep, and suddenly I heard a robot-like voice. It kept saying like, "down, down down". I was completely terrified, and it felt so real. I remember I tried to scream, but I could only made muffles. I was screaming for my parents but no sound came out of my mouth. Then I tried to switch the light on, but I had like no control over my arm. When I finally switched the light on, it didn't go on. After a few more minutes of complete panic, I finally woke up. But it just felt so real and I couldn't fall asleep for another hour. I ended up watching tv at 4am. So was this just a dream or what?




  1. That might be more of a ghost haunting than a dream

  2. well this might be a sign of paranormal activity in your home which means ghost activity  i think you should talk to your parents about it because then they might help if it goes on tonight to you should call a paranormalist someone that will help you here is some helpful information that you need to know o ya don't show that your afraid because the ghost will think they have power over you and it will accelerate to something dangerous.

    Paranormal phenomenon is a universal experience. It is not specific to any race, geographical area or religion. Stories and events associated with hauntings and possessions have been recorded since man was able to write.

    In every corner of the world, since the days of the caveman to present, the type of events associated with the paranormal are essentially the same. It is only the way we deal with it that may have changed during the course of history.

    The L.I.F.E. Foundation is a totally FREE resource to those in need. We do, however, accept donations to help cover the costs of operating our program. However, I must stress, donations are NOT required. It is our foremeost goal to enable you to again lead a normal and untroubled life.

    Any  information you provide to the Investigators is kept absolutely private. Our attitude is that if you want to share your story with the public, it is YOUR choice to do so. We do not and will not publish or publicize any information. We will not sensationalize any event or series of events. We will just help with getting the right investigator into your home to help.  It is also our policy that each client is entitled to a copy of every photo, tape recording, video or any other information obtained by our investigators. However, clients will be expected to pay for copies of any such information. Every Investigator works different. You need to share your feelings with the Investigator right away.  Let them know if you want copies, let them know if you wish no one to know what is going inside the home or if you do not mind going public to educate and or help someone else. It is your home. You must understand that other outside help may be required to enter the home and get involved depending on your case. And sometimes the story is leaked out that something is going on in your home. The Investigator will help with this if it happens.

    I know it is a fearful experience and you feel like you are going crazy, like you are loosing your mind and questioning what you see, hear or experiencing. I understand you feel like no one will believe you or think you are just plain nuts. This is common feelings, all go through this. I know I did! An investigator does not think you are nuts they are there to help you substantiate your claims and find you the help you need.

    We have investigators in every State and many countries who are ready to help. All you need to do is ask!

  3. I have had dreams like this. Where you feel like you have no control over you body. You may feel very heavy. This sleep is called being grounded. What I have learned to do is say in my head that I don't want to be grounded anymore. I have physically felt my body be released from this type of sleep.

    Mute - To dream you are mute means that you fear being criticized or judged.

    Dizzy - To dream that you are dizzy symbolizes confusion.

    Stranger - To dream of a stranger is to recognize a part of yourself that is hidden.

    Yelling - If you are dreaming about yelling then it means you have repressed anger that needs to be expressed.

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