
Frisky mice...... please help!

by  |  earlier

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A while ago I got 2 mice from a local petstore and was assured that they are mother and daughter, however upon checking them myself at home again and again I have come to the conclusion that they are infact both males. I have heard that male mice kept together tend to fight a lot, however have not noticed this at all, the complete opposite infact! This morning the one I believed to be the mother (splodge) was grabbing the one I believed to be the daughter (dab) by the neck then climbing ontop and trying to mate.....

I have had them for about 6 weeks now so would have thought if they were capable of breeding that they would have done so by now....however was wondering if any of you have had experience of sexing mice and of same s*x mice trying to get it on with the other one?





  1. they may still be girls... they fight a lot too. i had two hamsters before... and they were both boys... it looked like they were doing it too... and i heard that if they have never mated they will try to with any type of hamster or mouse... boy or girl. or you might just have g*y hamsters. i don't know for sure. if they are fighting so much... get another cage and seperate them.

  2. As long as you are certain that they are both the same s*x, then its not really a problem.

    if you are in doubt then consult your local vet, they should not charge you for this!

    If you have a look at them 'side on' then you will find that females have a 'round back' to the tail, and then flat back towards the tummy.

    Males will 'stick out' more, under the tail. Its usually fairly obvious :)

    As for the fighting....its generally not a problem for the boys unless they get the scent of females, in which case they can become a bit aggressive with each other :)

    The more space you give your mice to live in the better they are. Even with a small cage you can add levels or an old egg box which improves the space considerably, and also gives them some stuff to gnaw on.

    ( Not polystyrene boxes though )

    Good luck :)

  3. Maybe you ain't checked them properly maybe one is female and the other male, when ive had mice in the past pet shop said  they was two little girls turn out to be male and female.

    Check their s*x again take them to the vets just seeing what s*x they are should cos you  nothing!

  4. They might be girls unless you seriously found yeah.

    I've heard of stories of female mice "getting it on"...but it's nothing to worry about.

    Female mice usually do not fight...I had 3 female mice before and they didn't fight except when I introduced the third one.  The fighting was only to see who was the dominant mouse, and no injuries or blood were inflicted.  If they're males, they probably grew up together so they're not killing each other, but you still have to be careful because they are very territorial and could kill each other.

    Good luck!


    you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

  6. lol that made me laugh

  7. umm no i havent had that problem but maybe they r  g*y

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