
Frivolity rules in Chiapas

by  |  10 years, 11 month(s) ago

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Chiapas is a plural name because in this state southeast of Mexico, on the border with Guatemala, there are many states. Five indigenous groups live in different climates. Port from the hot to the cold mountain. Since December 2012 the region whose size is similar to Panama, is governed by a 33-year mestizo. Manuel Velasco is representative of a new breed of leaders who have failed to get a historical marginalization Chiapas though the center of the country has increased the budget for the State more than 1000% in the last 17 years. Political and despotic megalomaniac features have spent 4,000 million without power get Chiapas poverty. 74% of Chiapas live in poverty.

Manuel Velasco is the youngest governor of Mexico. In December 2013 it also became one of the most controversial. Her face flooded cities and towns hundreds of miles from State to announce the achievements of his first year in power. Surface charitable in his image, which is estimated at 129 million pesos ($ 9.7 million), but nobody knows exactly, in contrast to the shortcomings of the country's poorest state.

Other images of the Governor with the scandal surfaced. One became a viral phenomenon. Not from the heart of the magazines, which have made him one of his favorite targets through his affair with a pop singer. Photography was a political event in the town of Oxchuc, populated by Tzeltal Indians, that charged the Governor in tapesco from Federal Highway to the town square.

In the state where the Zapatista movement, fighting for the dignity of indigenous peoples was born governor to open walking indigenous infrastructure such as paved streets and pantries deliver packages for broiler chickens, sheep, tools, mills municipalities masa or coffee pulping dressed in the clothing of each place. "Basically is dedicated to do the same thing all the governors of Chiapas," says anthropologist Gaspar Morquecho.

The hospital Gilberto Gomez Maza is in the northwest of the city of Tuxtla Gutierrez, the state capital (550,000 inhabitants). Opened in late 2012 by President Felipe CalderÃ_n of Mexico (2006-2012) and Governor Juan Sabines. It is the center of the Southeast 's largest health. Its three floors and spacious hallways look like new for one simple reason: no one uses it. A work crew handles paint and bui so you do not come down with the thirty degree heat the area almost all year. "It's a ghost hospital", says one of the workers. One ambulance in the gigantic parking complete the sinister touch to the scene. " We do not know if it works. It takes more than a year standing there, "he adds. The hospital, which opened with fake patients brought from elsewhere, cost more than $ 77 million. Is kept closed by invoices and administrative problems. The private company that built it will not deliver until the government fulmine their outstanding accounts (about 45 million).

The hospitals themselves are in office, however, show unedifying images. Consuelo Gutierrez, 68, is sitting on a plastic chair in a corridor of regional hospital Pascacio Rafael Gamboa. A blue gown apart from the rest of people. A small transparent tube exits the back of his left to a saline bag hanging from a nail on the wall hand. It takes three hours sitting there waiting for a stretcher. His eyes have a sulfurous color. A leaf stuck on the wall with tape diagnosed with cholangitis, an infection of the gallbladder. With a whisper to her daughter babbles something in a Spanish hit. Zoque Indians are coming from outside of Tuxtla. "The hospital is exceeded by 40 %," admits Health Minister of Chiapas, Carlos Ruiz. The beds that keep dust Maza GÃ_mez could reduce overcrowding is recorded in places like this, but Chiapas is a state that is recovering from an economic catastrophe caused by their rulers.

Velasco began his government in December 2012 in the midst of what he called " the worst financial crisis " in the history of a state marked by poverty. In 2006 Chiapas debt was 66 million. Six years later, Governor Juan Sabines inherited liabilities 1,800 million. In the early days of the Velasco government could not pay salaries and bonuses to state bureaucrats. Twelve months later the situation has changed. Cut spending by 18% and the debt has been restructured. "It is a healthier economy," says Velasco sitting in the boardroom of the Government House, a place that his grandfather, Manuel Velasco Suárez, held between 1970 and 1976 and is recognized for organizing the first indigenous congress along with Samuel Ruiz, Bishop of San Cristobal.

Many other matters are pending in Chiapas. Velasco will have to repay the state democratic life. "We've never seen a government with such control of the lives of Chiapas," says former governor Pablo Salazar (2000-2006) Juan Sabines, the predecessor of Manuel Velasco. " He decided to intervene in the unions, chambers, exercised absolute control of all political parties. Their leaders are not opposed to anything or anyone, " he says. Sabines Salazar sent to jail to involve him in eleven different criminal cases, from fraud to murder. Today released by a political pact with the former governor recognizes that there must be a "reconstruction " of political parties.

A doubt hangs over the cabinet Manuel Velasco. His ministers from different political parties, including the National Action Party (PAN) and left (Party of the Democratic Revolution). With this the governor wanted to send signals "unity" to society. Some officials working with him, however, are closely linked to the Government of Sabines. Raciel Lopez, the state attorney (prosecutor) who repeated in office, is one of them. "He was the executive arm of repression during the administration of Sabines, which was very strong," says Alejandra Soriano, local representative of the PRD. The prosecution of 56 officials chased Lopez Pablo Salazar. Seven of them went to prison.

"It's a staff that I have based on safety. We are one of the three safest states in the country. Not to chase anyone. In this first year we have not pursued anyone, " Velasco said, adding that his government has released 17 political prisoners related to " directly or indirectly " to the Zapatista movement.

Two other key positions were also occupied by officials linked to the past administration. One of them was in charge of the body that oversees public resources. The other was the secretary in charge of prosecuting corrupt public officials. " They gave three public once all that exonerated Juan Sabines was approved. That gives an idea of ​​how much control the man in the current government, "says Alfredo Palacios a former Minister of Education who was jailed in the past government. At the time of his imprisonment he wrote a fiction novel inspired by events of the local contemporary politics. The heir and the fear is starring Peter Cedrales, addicted to alcohol and cocaine like to handle the state with an iron fist governor.

A green phenomenon Manuel Velasco an armored targets amid a cloud of reporters truck. She is dressed in a green tracksuit with a jaguar in the chest. Dark spots under the armpits perceive distance. The governor just run five miles with some of its officials in the capital of Chiapas at an event to promote the sport. Unlike what you might think, is not Velasco who wins the race, but an Assemblyman Green Party (PVEM) by the Federal District, Jesús Sesma, who is responsible for dealing with national and international media.

Velasco Just before you step into the car a woman yells:

- "Guero (blonde) beautiful! "

- " How are you my love? I love you, " replied Velasco before a group of bodyguards put the procession moving.

Velasco says one of his aides, long sleeves used on tour by municipalities to prevent him from scratching arms furor caused by his presence. "It also has the shortest I would not jalen hair," he adds.

" Velasco represented Enrique Peña Nieto agreement to support a candidate of the Green to a governorship," says Salazar. Thus Velasco has become the president of a party that has given the country almost as many scandals as laws. One of its leaders has been linked with corruption and is the only political organization that has requested the death penalty in modern Mexico.

There are several voices calling for the governor to "the benefit of the doubt." Weather begins to tighten. Velasco won a historic vote that no governor has. Still needs to be done to distance themselves from the viceroys Chiapas have remained mired in poverty by the extravagance and frivolity.

 Tags: Chiapas, Frivolity, rules

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