
Frog Pond?

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We have a frog pond in our garden. Does anyone have any tips on attracting frogs to the pond? Are gold fish a good idea to eat fly larvae (not the frog eggs!)?

Here is some info and I have posted some pictures here:

Construction: A circular bucket 40cm across,12cm deep set into the ground with a smaller dish flowing into it. The 2 containers have a layer of small pebbles. There are larger rocks set up in the larger container, stairlike up to the edge, a small fountain to circulate the water with mesh over the filter and 3 sticks over the top, all surrounded by more small pebbles, stones and bark.

Water: Just tap water.

Surrounding plants: The pond is over shaded by 2 small trees (Yellow Bottle Brush[Callistemon salignus] and Camellia Sasanqua).

Surrounding plants are:

-Giant Maidenhair Fern (Adiantum sp.)

-Blue Grass (Festuca glauca)

-Isolepis (Ficina nodosa)

-Wandering Jew (Not the weed!) (Tradescantia pallida)

-Lomandra (Lomandra longifolia)

-Jade Plant or Friendship Tree (Crassula ovata)

- Alocasia sp.

-Baby Sun Roses (Aptenia sp.)

- 2 small Banana Lilys (Nymphoides aquatica) growing in the water.

Location: Sydney,Australia




  1. avoid the gold fish,go to a nearby pond with a small dip net gather up a few net fulls of the local critters from the pond or ditch and place them into your pond this would be the quickest way to introduce the frogs into your pond

  2. it would be alot easier if your were in the top end they are everywhere.

    best of luck with it

  3. Are there any wading birds in your area of the world (like herons or egrets)?... if so be sure to set things up so they will not come by and eat the frogs that you attract!!

  4. Sounds pretty but awfully small to attract frogs. You might try collecting a couple of tadpoles to introduce. I'd avoid goldfish if you want frogs, though.
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