
Frog egg and tadpole issue need help fast!?

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two days ago there were a whole bunch of tadpoles in my hottub (not running yet). i got all of them out , there had to be a couple hundred.

this morning i woke up and there are eggs alll over my in ground pool! nd it is running there is clourine in it! i dont now how long the eggs have been in there and i was wondering if i should take them out and put them in the hot tub water that supported the other tadpoles, or if the clourine would kill them.

i dont no much about frogs, but i love them and have been around them since i was 2. i was wondering what mde this happen all of the sudden when some eggs had already been laid earlier. and i wanted to know, why were all the eggs laid after a humungous storm? we had a really big storm last night and that MIGHT have watered down the clourinated water, but what caused the frogs to lay there eggs after the storm? and should i put the eggs in good water or leave them?? HELP PLEASE! i dont want all of those lives to be waisted!




  1. The chlorine can be dangerous to the tadpoles - if you are enthusiastic about it, set aside another large bowl or bowls of water, and transfer them. Be sure not to overstock the bowls.

    I assume by chlorinated water you mean that you're using an extra chlorine additive.

    THe reason they lay their eggs after a "humungous storm" is because there are a great deal of pools of water, which are perfect for rearing young tadpoles. The idea is that they will lay their eggs in large pools of water, and then the tadpoles will mature and become frogs, and be able to leave the water before it dries up.

    Unfortunately frogs can't tell the difference between small ponds and pools. =)

    Best of luck with your frogs.

    Mr. Potamus.

    Edit: To reply to your additional information, I suggest that you leave the water out in the open for the whole time. Insects will come to the water and provide food for the tadpoles. In nature, the frogs do not care for their young - they lay them and leave. You could try adding bread crumbs, to give them a little nourishment.

  2. Chlorine WILL kill the tadpoles.  But, if the water has sat for more than a week, all the chlorine has dissipated into the air, so that's not a worry.

    If you're sure the chlorine is gone, then the best thing to do is leave them there and not move them.  Putting them in buckets and "keeping" them there will NOT do it.  That's not enough water for them.  It's better to leave them in the original pools, unless, of course, you want to use the hot tub or pool.

    The biggest concern is food.  The parent frog does NOT take care of the tadpoles.  Tadpoles feed on algae, and if there is no algae in the water they will not  survive.

    You obviously have some frogs or toads on your property that are laying the eggs.  It is very good that you don't want to hurt them because they do a great deal of good for the environment and our planet and help keep it healthy.

    The ABSOLUTE best thing you could do, if it's OK for them to stay where they are, is to feed them Algae Flake Food that you should be able to buy from any good pet store.  Make sure the food says "algae", because that's what they need to be healthy.  It is also a good idea to put some water plants in with them if you can.  Buy, or collect some, and put them in pots.  Cover the dirt in the pots with fine aquarium gravel which will reduce the clouds of dirt getting into the water when you place the plants there.  You can also get plants that just float in the water and do not need to be planted, and, since you should not pollute the water, those are probably the best for you to use.

    I hope you have lots of luck with the little guys.  Watching them grow is lots of fun, and all the new frogs will add beauty and charm to your life.  They, of course, will not all make it, but the ones that do will be lots of fun.

    If you need any more help, email me.

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