
From 0 - 100%, how CONTENT are you with your presidential...?

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...candidate? For an example, my pick for prez candidate is now our Libertarian candidate Bob Barr(was republican candidate Ron Paul at over 90% for me!!!). After I researched Bob Barr's voting record I found I was at slightly over 70% satisfied with him for a future president.

The Liberty index had Bob Barr's LIFETIME rating at 68% for PERSONAL liberties & a 85% rating for ECONOMIC liberties for a total of 76.4%. In 2001 Bob's last full term in office, the Liberty index had his PERSONAL liberties rating down to 65% & his ECONOMIC liberties rating up to 90% for a total rating of 74.5%.

While I'd CERTAINLY rather have Ron Paul representing me, Barr's voting record of both personal & ECONOMIC freedoms beats out the other two options for ME.

At what percent do YOU rate your candidate regarding both PERSONAL & ECONOMIC freedoms/liberty???




  1. I'm 97% content with McCain / Palin... Palin was a great pick for VP!

  2. I am 90% satisfied.  

  3. I'd say 95% to 99%.  I really am a dedicated Obama supporter, which is odd when you figure I was also a Ron Paul supporter back when he had a chance to reform the Republican Party.

  4. 100% for Obama.

  5. 94% content with McCain/Palin, he has the same stances on the issues as I have, with an exception for two issues, which takes off 6% of my contentedness, so I am pretty happy with it.

  6. I am 99% content with my candidate....I say 99% because you never know!!!

  7. I am 100% content with the McCain?Palin ticket.

  8. After his VP choice,100%.McCain/Palin,09 and beyond!

  9. 98% McCain-Palin!

  10. 95 percent content with Obama.

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