
From 0-100 Percent What Are The Chances Of A Depression In Your Opinion?

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From 0-100 Percent What Are The Chances Of A Depression In Your Opinion?




  1. I believe that we are headed for a recession, but not a depression.  Perhaps you have heard the common saying, "It is a recession when your neighbor loses his job, but it is a depression when you lose yours."  

    I'm believing you pose this question because you are worried.  Recessions are not that bad though, considering the  "job" of a recession is to clean the "fat" out of the system, mop up excess, and pave the way for the next expansion.  They are bound to happen, but one cannot blame food and gas prices to be the cause.  It is much more than that.  

    I heard somebody say that we are suffering from so much inflation.  Well, let us remember that inflation is "the general price level in consumer goods rising."  That is a basket of many goods which measures the CPI, not two, such as food and gas.  Yes, they economic impacts, but let's not assume we are going into a depression because of food and gas.

    I believe that the negativity and reduction of consumer confidence is having the greatest effects.  You yourself seem negative about it, I seem a little negative about the future, and others do as well.  When we feel that way we stop spending money, businesses stop making money, they lay off jobs.  I feel that if we started having more confidence we could build things back up and get out of the recession mode so we don't end up going through a depression, which would be 2-3 quarters of downward GDP.

    That's how I feel anyway!

    Oh, and one more thing.  People complain that the gas prices are going up to $4 when they were $3 last year, and $2 the year before.  How about now going out to eat more than once a week?  Take a bagged lunch or stop going by Starbucks.  Cutting out the little conveniences will leave you in the same spot.  Plus, how many people are rushing to the magazines to clip out coupons?  If it is that bad, then why isn't the increase in these going upward?  

    A little off topic I suppose but related nonetheless.

  2. 88%.

  3. We're heading for a three year depression, period.

  4. 4 me:


    4 other people:



  5. It is 25% because 1/4 person is depressed.

  6. um, you mean a WORSE depression than we're already in, right? just clarifiying.  But, yes, it'll get worse.

  7. Be sure you read the lead article here:

  8. 65%

  9. 13.723590%

    But that's only if McCain is elected.

  10. id say about 75 and that person that sayd 0 is an idiot and has no idea whats going on

  11. 90%

    I think it is already starting, but it will look different than the last one, it may be even worse because people today have no idea how it is to live without the luxuries we have become accustomed to.

  12. depends on the person but i guess 100 percent

  13. 99.9999999999%

  14. 0%

  15. 1%. A depression will never happen again. But I can't say 0 because thats impossible.

  16. WOW!!! are there some ignorant b@stards weighing in here. It is quite obvious not one of you idiots have a clue what a depression is. Doesn't suprise me though, the typical American these days is doing pretty good if they know how to breath and wipe their own a$$.

  17. 0% because we're not.

    Anybody care to learn what a "depression" is before throwing out thumbs downs and saying 100%

  18. Still 100%, but not necessarily a hundred per cent of the time.

  19. recession, yes. 100%.   depression, no.

  20. at this point, a depression is almost imminent.  many are actually starting to move into tighter-knit communities, carpool, take buses, a bike, or walk to work.  prices are going up, and the wages are sticking where they are.  

    it may not happen this year, but we should probably expect one within the next 5-10 years.

  21. 99%

    the other 1% is probably non depressive because of the med's

  22. if we take all kinds of people like rich and medium and poor i say like 80%

    but if we take the rich folks alone i'd say 35%

    the poor90%

    medium 50%

    thats my opinion

    but everyone has a period in his life he feel depressed in it

  23. 100%

    Depressions happen all the time, it's the normal economical flow of the rising and falling of our economy.

    Now the severity of the depression is tough to predict, but there are 2 certainties:

    We will fall into a depression/recession and we will get out of it shortly afterwards.

    Now if you're really asking about one similar to the Great Depression, then 0.01%. That was another time where America was in a vastly different economic situation than it is now and we have learned many ways to prevent it since.

  24. 10 becuase the climate isn't any were close to that althoguht if you look at the inflation and other issues that rases it to about 50/50 althoguht unlikely we are over due for one

  25. Well, technically it would take a total stock loss of 51% to create a "true" depression. Most people think we are currently in whats know as a recession, we are in a way but a "true recession" is a consecutive loss 2quaters in a row of 43%-It is completely normal as well as necessary for the market and the economy to flucuate, and historically the USA as been ahead of most gobal economies in this ebb and tide. The USA has been overdo for a recession for about 3yrs now- they don't usually last that long- even though they can suck pretty bad- historically they are followed by an even better economic situation

  26. I have depression now?  So i would say the chances are good if I don't take medicine.

  27. i get them alot. too often. and it seems like it's just been a recent happening. i'd say maybe the last two or three months. i think, but i'm not sure, it mite have something to do with the possibility that obama may be our next president. you think?

  28. You can't just measure like that as you have to take into account other factors such as mental strangth and what trauma you have been through ie death of family member. Furthermore how do you define depression? some have accute some have significant increased symptoms but I will say that in industrial areas where pressure on people is significant then so is depression. Lastly depression is 100% certain to happen in your life sooner or later even if you do not know it because although it seems obvious some people don't realise they are depressed and everyone goes through it ie if your parents die then temporarily you will go into depression.

  29. 100% everyone gets depression in certain degrees. Some can manage others can not.

  30. 100 because of peak energy. when our energy supplies get to costly our economy will crash because our civilization cant function without energy.

  31. 75% because of rising gas prices and rising food prices

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