
From Spender to Saver.?

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Can anyone suggest some strategies to me on how to decrease the amount of money I'm spending. I need some saving strategies. Any advice is appreciated.


Starving Student




  1. If you are serious about saving, then you're going to learn to live without some of the things you might purchase on a whim.

    Once you get used to it, and see that savings account rise, you will love it, and look forward to putting money in it.

    Have a garage sale.

    If you're female, make school colored jewelry and sell it.

    Stay at home instead of going out.  Rent movies instead of going to the theatre.

    Never purchase food you didn't make yourself. That is, if you go out to eat a lot.  This alone will save you tons.

    Open a savings account.  Faithfully put 10% of your check in it every pay day.

  2. Pack you own lunch, carry inexpensive snacks with you so you don't buy fast food - too expensive and also unhealthy.  I always carry a bottle of water (bought once, then refilled with tap water) so I don't use vending machines or stop at convenience stores.  Even saving $10 or $20 per week this way will add up to a lot over a year.  Good luck.

  3. If you are currently earning a paycheck, have a portion deposited directly into a savings account.  If you don't see it, you won't miss it.

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