
From a Christian perspective, is it wrong to say things like 'oh my God'?

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Technically, it isn't the Lord's name, is it?




  1. Well, seeing as that is one of the Ten Commandments (taking the name of the Lord in vain).......Yes it is wrong.

  2. yes- would you say OH MY (insert your name here) ?? It just sounds stupid

  3. Crayons... Yes is it... Absolutely... I just listened to a sermon about this the other day.. It's still taking the name of the lord in Vain.. I almost got in an argument with my mother over this the other day... It does not matter what peoples intent is in using it in this way.. I am sure many are not trying to disprespect God when they say this.. The point is you are still using it in a casual cavilar way and that is using his name in vain.... Hope this helped....God bless you !

  4. Yes is is most definitely because it is taking the Lords name in vain.

  5. Supposedly 'Oh my god' is blaspheming.

    Fortunately, I don't care.

  6. don't swear by heaven or earth, and especially by God. Also do not take the Lord's name in vain. so no.  

  7. Heya

    I'm not a christian but I've always been taught not to say "the lords name in vain" as he's probs got more important things to do and that gets him involved in the situation if u know what i mean

    hope i helped :)

    Can u answer mine plz?

  8. Christ on a bike! Don't be such a drip, there are much worse things in the world than a bit of cursing.

    If you are a christain, then why don't you do something about poverty, deprevation and the ills of the world instead of worrying about a few swear words. Get a sense of proportion.

  9. Yes, using God's name as a swear word is blaspheming.  And it's just rude - how would you like someone using your name as a swear word?!?

    (And to say that 'God' isn't God's name is just splitting hairs.)

  10. No to call on the name of the Lord is good, its what you say after that , that could be wrong

    tGod bless

  11. From an atheist perspective, I'd say from the Christian perspective it is wrong to say those kinds of things (at least how people usually use them). It is plainly against the second commandment, isn't it?

  12. People say its wrong to say because the majority of people say it in vain, as in they aren't really calling God. Thats a sin. So saying "oh my God " isnt a sin, its if you are really calling out to God that matters. If you just blurt it out for no reason, then yes, thats calling God's name in vain and its wrong. But if you are honestly calling out to God by saying "Oh, my God! ", then thats not wrong.

  13. Not if you mean it.

  14. yes it is

    its blasphemy

  15. Technically, I'm pretty sure it is.  You're still talking about the same Lord.

    Of course, I was told as a child that it was also wrong to say "Oh, man!" because men were created in God's image, so maybe I'm a bit biased...

  16. Whether you call the LORD God Yahweh, Jehovah, the Almighty, G-d or God it makes no difference, you still shouldn't take His name and use it in vain. But then you realise this.

  17. We are enjoined not to take the Lord's name in vain.   Tom Verlaine sang: "G-d is not the name of G-d" and I know that is true.  'OMG' and the like are simply poor expressions of persons with weak vocabularies.

  18. YEP.Blasphemer.

  19. Well if you just won ten thousand dollars and you speak out Oh my God, it could actually be praise.  If you are hurting and call out Oh my God you could actually be asking for his help.  If you are using it in vain, then yes it would be wrong.  Sometimes its not the words we are saying but how we are saying them.


    the crime of assuming to oneself the rights or qualities of God

    I don't thing it even comes close to blasphemy.

  20. well if i was a christian (I'm an atheist) if your gonna follow a religion follow it properly if you say that your kinda using gods name in vain

  21. yea. just like drawing a cartoon. most non-christians take 'the lords name in vain'. Ask how many would draw a cartoon of mohammed though!

  22. I don't think people say that with the intent to offend God or people who believe in God. But, to some it may offend. I guess if you care about making someone else cringe, it would be a good habit to break. I can't speak for God as to how he feels about it. Would that be taking his name is vain? I dont know.

  23. blaspheme!

  24. Yes, it is against Christian beliefs to use the Lords name in vain such as saying things like 'Oh My God' and 'Jesus Christ!'

  25. Yeaah i think so its blasphemy. But i wouldnt worry to much as your not really taking the Lords name in vain. 'Jesus Christ' and 'for Gods sake' are much worse. Best answer please, im new to this.! xxxx  

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