
From a Religious point of view how are you polite to those you disagree with?

by  |  earlier

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Here is a link to the Campaign for Courtesy web site

As always I ask this question with Metta

(((((May All Be Happy)))))





  1. All of life is politics,  even in your house and at school.  But those politics won't make you always angry because if they did,   you would never have any joy.

  2. My first inclination is to tell them they don't know what they're talking about. I don't do this but sometimes when the point of view is for example, racist, it comes through in my tone of voice or the expression on my face. Most of the time I am not like that and I maintain a fair playing field for discussion because if all I do is offend the other guy he will never realize that I'm right and he was wrong.

  3. Very polite but I seem to have problems with others who are not so polite about my spiritual path.

  4. simply state your ideas honestly...don`t disagree by,not like that.just say..i think,or in my opinion...

  5. If you follow the ethos of Christ, you would definitely be polite.

  6. I don't, that would be utterly stupid.

  7. Just dont think too much on your differences. Thats the reason why many sterotypes develope.

  8. Firm in my beliefs and polite as regards theirs.

  9. I try to be very polite.  Once I lost my temper and asked a stupid question, but I try to be ecumenical.

    this was a reading a few days ago.

    1 Peter 15:17 -pay attention to 16.  We are commanded to be courteous.


        but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts. Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope,


        but do it with gentleness and reverence, keeping your conscience clear, so that, when you are maligned, those who defame your good conduct in Christ may themselves be put to shame.


        For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that be the will of God, than for doing evil.


  10. It depends on how offensive I find their view point.

  11. I suppose that answers of atheist arguing with theist are welcome too.

    I try to remind myself that we all “believe” in something. And that all our believes can possibly be wrong. We have different pictures of life and different approaches to reality but who can be so arrogant to claim that “he knows” the truth.

  12. i'm having a deja vu moment. i thought i answered this question earlier but then when i came back it was gone. the weird world of yahoo answers... maybe my answer decided it needed another caffeine break.

    i try to be polite by imagining, as far as i am capable, how it might feel to hold the opposing viewpoint/belief.  and to bear in mind we all have days when we might not be feeling our best - we might be a little fragile or having a short-fuse moment. i think if you care about your interlocutor you can find it in yourself to make some allowances. i don't like to walk away and leave things unresolved and i will do what i can to seek resolution or a compromise. however, sometimes one has to walk away, cool off, and assess whether it's worth pursuing. peace be with you.

  13. I don't care if someone is religious, just like no one should care that I'm not religious. I'm a neutral in that aspect.

  14. Well, for the most part, I genuinely respect and value the opinions of others.  Thus, I guess you could say I'm not "polite" per se, since politeness usually implies some sort of false friendliness or the holding back of one's true feelings.  Whatever friendliness I show toward people of other worldviews is usually real, and I don't often hold back my true feelings in matters such as religion, because I have nothing disrespectful to hide.

  15. I usually try to leave religion and politics at the door.  Y!A's is about the only place I discuss either openly with the exception of my wife.

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