
From a Sociologists point of view would you call Hooters and strip clubs discrimination or just good business?

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From a Sociologists point of view would you call Hooters and strip clubs discrimination or just good business?




  1. I don't know how you can compare "Hooters "  to a strip club ...  but they are both good business ... If you build it they will come . and after they come ,they will spend money.

  2. i think America is more tired of sociologists, than b*****s

  3. Its called freedom. People have the right to do what ever they want it if does no harm and abides by local, state, and federal laws. Remember the constitution.

  4. We talked about this in Business law.  As long as it is an interwoven theme in your business, it is allowed.  The teacher was then asked, "Well could you make an all black, all white, or all asian restaurant and say it is for your theme?"

    Her answer was less than perfect, saying that there is a lot of vagueness in that subject and time will tell further.

  5. its sad when exploitation is good business

  6. Institutions that are based around sexuality and s*x trades are widely debated by many sociologists. For example,

    The Feminist school of thought is divided on this topic as many feminists would argue that the women's body becomes objectified and the realm for male exploration leaving the women victimized and defenseless as she has to conform to the patriarchal society to advance. Many other feminists would argue that women have manipulated a males' desires to their own advantage by making money for them.

    As for the idea of people being discriminated against?? I don't believe that anyone is being discriminated against as these can be seen as victimless jobs with the man receiving pleasure and the woman receiving money- after all the women is choosing to work there.

    Hope this helps

  7. Good business.  It generates revenue in the form of tax form government and income for the owners and workers.  The customers get a service and product that they find value in.  One person's "exploitation" is another's cashcow.

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