
From a lads point of view...?

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My boyfriend and i where together for a year and a half, he split with me because he said he was not " in love anymore", A week after we split i found out i was pregnant with him at first he supported me, came to docs, Felt my stomach, Etc, then things went funny, he said hed only support me if i had an abortion and he"d come to the hospital and stay ver night and be there for me, A week ago i texted him and told him i had, had an misscarriage and he never answered me he still hasnt, i was just wondering from a lads point of view if u think i have scared him, whether hes just being a idiot or he just wants me out of his life, do i keep texting him? Or just leave him ..




  1. I must say that that guy is a non-sense fool and with no responsibility taught to him by his parents.

    I suggest that you move on. Let it be. Just be very carful next time. I feel sorry for you actually. But I know that every man or woman can survive to any kind of tests or sufferings.

  2. hes a loser 4get him


    he he

  3. well... he might not love you, but he might love the baby.

    i would leave him alone... poor kid.

  4. This punk can't accept responsibility. dump this loser. True love is unconditional.

  5. Well I'm not a guy but I can say something based on my knowledge.  Unfortunately I feel like he was playing games with you.  It is very unnatural for a man to be a part of a pregnancy and then break away from it and not accept it.  Whether he is just being an idiot or you think he doesn't want to be with you;  I would make this decision yours and you should choose to ditch him yourself, is it really worth it to think you had someone so insincere of your feelings and then when you lost the baby.  Imagine if it happens the next time and you actually birth a baby, can you imagine how much time of your life will be spent playing games with a man that you should have walked away from before you bring a child in this world!!!  Good Luck and make the right decision, no child deserves to come in this world in a broken relationship!

  6. leave him alone- he is a loser.  Do not drag yourself through the mud, it is difficult enough to go through a miscarriage let alone dealing with a guy who does not care about your feelings.  you are too good for that girl!

  7. Leave him,because you scared him.

  8. I'm not a lad, but I think he's being the biggest idiot.

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