
From a nutritional and health point of view, how good are eggs to eat?

by  |  earlier

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OK, so i was wondering this because i have to use some serious will power ! if i don't pay attention i can easily ea like 5 or 6 eggs a day lol. speaking from a nutritional and health point of view, how good/bad are eggs? also, how many of them are 'safe' to eat? thanks in advanced!




  1. even if something is good for you, too much of it can be bad. does that make sense?

  2. Eat plenty of green vegetables. They are low in calories and high in nutrition. Also lift weights in circuit fashion to get a cardio workout plus stimulate your lean body tissue and speed up your metabolism. Here are some free workout videos and other tips to lose weight fast..

  3. Eggs are a great source of protein, but they also have a lot of cholesterol (especially in the yolk). They have egg beaters which are supposedly "heart Healthy" and I think they taste great. I Love eggs too, but i would NOT eat as many as 5 or 6 a day... i would say you must limit to 5-6 a week to keep your cholesterol down... or maybe just eat the egg whites. =)

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