
From a scientific perspective, am I genetically disadvantaged?

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I read all these books on looks and how they would pervade my future (I'm in college and preparing for law school).

From an objective and anthropological standpoint, am I just plain screwed?




  1. Well girl, you look pretty good to me.  You have an amazing smile, and look like a happy person.  The only disadvantage I perceive, and this results from my perception of the subtleties of insecurity your question displays.  If you are of normal intelligence, do not have a Siamese twin attached to you, understand where your strengths lay, get an education in a marketable degree, analyze, with honesty, if you have not set unreasonable goals for yourself, and can pass the law boards, you have every opportunity for success as we all have.

  2. There is no objective point of view regarding a person's attractiveness.  Sorry, but this question can not be answered scientifically.  I hope that whatever books you are readin which lead you to ask this question are not being treated as educational materials, or, at least, are being critically evaluated in your classes.

  3. You look fine; you're being a hypochondriac.

  4. Get married your age has come!! Listen to your inner self..Your genes know want something else.

  5. Advantages are situational. What situation are you concerned about where you think your looks would be a disadvantage? Certainly NOT reproduction. I'd say you might even have an unfair advantage. And human nature being what it is, that advantage will carry over into other areas.

  6. Absolutely not, genetics doesn't work like that. You have a beautiful smile.

  7. That depends on whether you're from the north or south!

  8. No. You're a beautiful woman with very good features. Your body is not showing so I will believe that it is proportionate to your face. The strong character seen in your face will do you well in law. Your eyes are firm, direct and can brow beat anyone anytime! Lawyers do this very well.

    However lets talk about your psyche. Never, never, never TELL your psyche you're anything other than a WINNER. There are two animals (figuratively speaking) in us. One feeds on NEGATIVE things and thoughts. The other one feeds on POSITIVE aspects. We are WHO WE FEED.

    Which one do you feed? Your question is feeding the NEGATIVE animal. Quit that. I am thinking your are an American, right? If you are I have a short lesson for you.

    Look at the word AMERICAN. Look carefully. What's the last 4 letters? I CAN. Don't ever forget that. Always tell yourself every morning in front of the mirror:  I can, I can, I will. Feed the POSITIVE eliminate the NEGATIVE. I think Bing Crosby sang a song with that phrase or something like it.

  9. Of course not.  You are a woman, which does not help you, and you aren't white, which is also a drawback, unfortunately.  But you are friendly-looking, clean-cut, conventionally attractive, and not overweight.  Those are pluses.  I don't know how tall you are, but height is also a bonus.

    You're right, that looks are unfortunately very important in our society.  Each of the pluses I mentioned tends to add dollars onto your paycheck and eases your way in the world, and the minuses, unfortunately, takes away that money and those advantages.  It sucks, because none of that really has any bearing on your intellectual abilities or your ability to do the job.  However, you are in no way screwed.  You'll have a tougher time, no doubt, but there are plenty of other women with similar appearance advantages and disadvantages who did just fine.  Be prepared for the c**p you'll inevitably get and don't let it get to you too much.  Good luck!

  10. Honey? What are you thinking? You are damned gorgious. Beautiful in weight, pretty face, and attractive aura. You are very pretty, my dear. God bless and enjoy your beauty.

  11. Research "intern's disease"

    "As you read and listen in this course, you may get more than a touch of what is called "the intern's disease". You may feel you share the symptoms of some disorder,"

    That's from a course in abnormal psychology. "Intern's disease" occurs when you read about a disease and realized that you have it. No, you don't,  but think you have all the symptoms.

    I suspect you're learning about genetics (basic course?). That you took the course due to an interest and to fill a requirement. No doubt several students think that they to have something wrong. Enroll in a basic psychology course and a certain number of students will feel they have the disorder that the class is learning about.

    Look at your accomplishments. Made it through high school, in college has plans for after college, uses computers, articulate etc, etc. If (and it's "if') you are "genetically disadvantaged" it certainly hasn't stopped you.

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