
From an anthropological view, how have humans come to experience so much happiness?

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From an anthropological view, how have humans come to experience so much happiness?




  1. From a cultural perspective, I would say happiness has diminished as we have become more stratified and lost our rituals.

  2. I suppose you know that happiness has to do with balance of certain brain chemicals. Let's chip away happiness out of unhappiness. Unhappiness creates change. It means that the present situation is not ideal.  Happiness is then change in the direction of the ideal. Evolution means change. Natural selection is how evolution makes that change. Evolution heads toward a fit in the environment. So, ideal equals one with the environment. Happy is one in tune with surroundings and circumstances.  I would say humans have, for the most part, been happy with the earth.

  3. I believe it's a balance of self satisfaction over altruism.

    Happiness or the pursuit of it , is simply an emotionally tied occurrence that leads to an almost addictive self propensiating response.

    We feel good therefor we seek more,

    It's very primal, luckily we have the cerebral capabilities to register such responses.

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