
From historical point of view, who were the Aryan and who were the Dravidian ?

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Which parts of the world did they occupy?




  1. aryan those who were coming from central asia to india. (brahmins and some caste of north India) dravidian who were  once living from sindhu province  to  tamilnadu, nbw they are living  more in south india,  less innortheast india and west india.other backward class and scheduled caste people of india are dravidian.

  2. The Aryan theory is a myth they were not invaders of our country, they were like the dravidians indeginous to india.

  3. The Dravidians were the original inhabitants of the Indian Peninsula until the Aryans invaded the area. The Aryans probably came from the the Middle East and Central Asia

  4. aryans are the people who came from Mediattaranian region ..n dravidians are aid to be the part of south indian

  5. Aryans are from Volga civilisation, they came to this region (present India) by passes in Afghan.

    Dravidans are from the region below Vindhya mountains

    Both have there respective civilisation and both are superior in their lands with respective caste distinct.

  6. Aryans were those who came from Central Asia to  Northern India, Caste has nothing to do with it. They were the settelers in India, Dravidians were the people of southern india(Now called south indians). Truly speaking the real Indians were the Dravidians (People of the land), North Indians are the settlers in India.

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