
From my bone structure how can tell where my ancestors are from?

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ok i remember someone saying that you can tell where you are from by your bone structure so does anyone know any websites that i could go and see this




  1. You can't. Instead you have to swab saliva from inside your mouth and send it to one of those companies that analyze DNA. They'll give you the route your distant ancestors took as they migrated from Africa. The National Geographic website has a link to such a company.

    Test costs around $130.

  2. I doubt very seriously.  In genealogy, people don't really think of a person's appearance in tracing ancestry.  They Trace ancestry going back one generation at a time with documentation.  

    There are lots of myths and speculation.  There are tall blonde Germans and short heavy set Germans etc.  The same can be said for almost any group of people.

    DNA tests  can be helpful in giving a person a general ideal of all their ancestral origins.  It isn't specific by national origin, race or ethnicity but will give you something like Northern European etc.  However, to get a total view of all your ancestry it should be autosomal DNA not Y or mitochondrial.  Y & mitochondrial go down specific lines unchanged and are used to match you up with others but it is a very small part of your total DNA.

    Y DNA is passed from father to son only.

    Mitochondrial DNA is passed from mother to both sons and daughters but only the daughters pass it on to their children.

    You get autosomal 50-50 from both parents and it is where you get your apperance, pigmentation, height etc.  It is the only DNA that relates a female to her father of anyone to the spouses and their families of their direct Y & mitochondrial lines.

    If you get back to your 6xgreat grandparents, barring any duplicates, you are directly descended from 510 individuals.

    It pyramids as you go back. Of those 510, you get your mitochondrial DNA from only 8 and if you are male you get Y DNA from only 8 but you get autosomal DNA from all 510.l

  3. Sorry, not reliable at all.  We can help you find your ancestors, so you can know for sure... unless your lineage goes back to places that have few records.

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