
From my other question." My hamster died and i was just doing stuff with him.. "

by Guest56679  |  earlier

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this isnt my first hamster an di have another one that i just got last month and with the hamster that dided " elmo " we did everyhting together i looked after him and tlkaed to him everyday.. the hamster i had before elmo was named buddy and he waited for me to get home from school to die.. he went up on his log so i can see him then he fell off the log and i peted him until we past.. i am so sad about elmo though i was JUST doing stuff with him beofre he died.. it feels like a nightmare, unreal, fake, ect.. i dont know what to do :'( ' ' ' ' () i dont want to see him go i really really dont, this is probably dumb to put on yahoo ansers but i need to get it out.. by the way i am 16 in october and i had hamsters sence i was born basicly.. but elmo ( the one that just past ) was special to me ( no offence ot my other hamsters ) but elmo had somehting and i will really miss it.. he was only to and the other hamsters i had lived to be 4 i found his life was cut short.. so i hope my other hamsters and god treat elmo right.. who knows the hamsters might be talking about me in a goood and bad way. .i dont know :'( sorry this was so long




  1. I am so sorry! Just last night my friends mouse died and she cried for over an hour on the phone. I have mice and hamsters(and may other pets). I fully understand.

  2. I am so sorry to hear about Elmo. Sadly, the  pain of losing our buddies is the price we pay for all the joy of being with them. It really is a very good thing that you were just doing things with him and that you got to spend such quality time together. I am sure it meant a lot to him to know how much you loved him at the end.

    It will feel unreal for a while yet. Sadly the human brain has a very difficult time processing traumatic loss, but just know that every day, little by little, it will get better. It takes a strong character to love the little short-lived pets like hamsters and rats etc. I have lost many of my little rat friends (and by the way, I know how you feel, but some just are special to us for inexplicable reasons. It doesn't mean you loved the others less - every pet relationship is unique.)  Sometimes it feels like it is not worth it to get so attached but then, think of the joy you bring your hamsters. We take the burden of loss on ourselves so that we can provide a hamster lifetime of love and joy.

    Not everyone will understand the grief you feel for Elmo. Some people do not understand that kind of love of a pet, and others don't understand that a "pocket pet" is as loved as a dog or cat. Know that there are many people who do feel the way that you do, however. There are some very good pet loss sites where you can write a tribute for Elmo, where you can post pictures and discuss how wonderful he was. Everyone will tell you - it helps to talk about the good things, and let yourself cry and mourn your loss.

    Many hugs, and with a tip of my hat to Elmo the magnificent.

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