
From playing gta 4 i feel like im ***?

by  |  earlier

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ok well let me start this off. one day in science class i had finished ALL of my work. and our teacher said we could read. so i took out the instructions for gta SA. well my teacher saw it, ripped it out of my hands, and said that i had more work( i didnt know!) well anyways my teacher starts ranting and raving about how repulsive i am and that im just a devil and he sends it to the principal. he says i need a parent to come get it. well anyways i get it(along with my F- grades in it lol) and yeah. well its summer now far from when that happened and i have gta4. well i had a dream that i was walking down the street, drinkiin beer and havin s*x(weird i know) and then my teacher drives by in a redbull truck saying how he knew how i would turn out like this and that im worthless. well anyways im VERY mature and would never do this stuff but now i just feel so guilty when i play gta 4 and i was really excited before the dream but now i just feel like a lowlife. am i a bad kid?




  1. anyone that can walk down the street drinking a beer whilst having s*x all at the same time deserves some kind of medal... on to your question, which i don't think fits into the teaching category, it is important to be able to separate video games and movies from real life. Let the story and plot lines from such medias be an escape from your highly judgmental teacher - use it in a constructive manor as apposed to destructive. Someone that sits and watches a scary movie late at night will always be a little jumpy when heading to bed in the dark silent house afterwards. Does this mean there weird and believe they see supernatural things... no its just on your mind. Take a break from the game for a little bit and you might learn to appreciate/enjoy it a little more

  2. You're not a bad kid.  Your teacher overreacted, and probably was having a bad day or had personal issues and decided to take it out on you.  Don't let someone ruin something that you enjoy by making you feel guilty about it.  Everyone has strange dreams too, so don't worry about it.  If the game seriously starts affecting you, I'd stop playing it for a while and see if that helps.  However, I don't believe that by playing a video game you're all of a sudden going to buy a gun, steal a car, kill an old lady, evade the cops, and start dealing drugs.  Don't worry about it, enjoy your summer and do what you want to do.

  3. well i say if you dont like the game then either sell it or get rid of it, or if you do like the game then dont do the weird stuff you did in your dream or you can just forget about it, we all have some crazy dreams.

    hope i helped

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