
From the division rivals of your,which one gets on your nerves the most?the one that must be crushed?

by Guest58281  |  earlier

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From the division rivals of your,which one gets on your nerves the most?the one that must be crushed?




  1. boy...i guess the Chiefs but none of them are even a match for the Chargers. The Chiefs are just the only division rival to win against them in the last 2 years

  2. Indy Colts fan here....

    Jacksonville.  They have a ********* that's undeserved, from the coach, to the players, to the fans.  It's a joy to watch them get stomped every year, because they're always running at the mouth, up until game time.

  3. Boston & Washington

  4. say_what, what division has Boston and Washington in it?  Can't you read?

    And the Cowboys are the team that must be crushed.  Thankfully, they frequently are.  Go Eagles.

  5. The Pittsburgh Steelers must be taken to the woodshed for their whoopin this year.

  6. Tough... both teams get on my nerves equally(can't stand them)... Redskins/Eagles

  7. last year doesn't really count because everyone we played abused us. i'm a dolphins fan. i would say it's really close between the jets and patriots. we have always played the pats tough, even if our team was lousy. except last year of course. the jets always seem to kick our @sses though. they can be terrible and we can be good, but it doesn't seem to matter. stupid jets.

  8. oh my god. my favorite team is the broncos, and the chargers are the team that i hate the most and they need to be crushed.  Tomlinson is so overrated.  Jay Cutler has diabetes.

  9. Well it used to be the Raiders, but they suck now so i have to say Chargers by a longshot, Especially Merriman and Rivers

  10. The saints and panthers.  Go Bucs!

  11. the jets

  12. the PACKERS I HATE THEM SO MUCH good thing favre got traded minnesota viking fan  

  13. LSU Tigers is my team. Auburn Tigers are despicable. c**p calls at Auburn in 2006 cost us a NC and a designed chop block on Glenn Dorsey last year nearly cost us our season and really hurt the guy's draft stock.

  14. I ******* hate the PAckers there management there players and how they all think they will win the season opener when they will lose 34-0

    Skol Vikings

  15. Brownie & Ben's gals

  16. the steelers and ravens...

  17. Cincinnati gets on my nerves the most and crushing Cleveland is going to be even better this year since the Browns are now picked to be the new kings of the AFC North.

  18. We have to kill the Browns. They are not good people

  19. In the 90's it was the Dolphins. Now it's the Pats.

    Go Bills.

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