
From the prespective, of early childhood education programs, why should kids not have a TV in their bedroom?

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From the prespective, of early childhood education programs, why should kids not have a TV in their bedroom?




  1. Too much tv is going to stunt development. If kids have a tv in their rooms, they're probably using it for entertainment, and to get them to sleep, and they're probably watching more than they would if it were only available in the living room.

    Teach a kid to rely on TV for entertainment, and they don't play. Imaginative play is crucial for development - that's how kids learn, solve problems, practice adjusting to the world, all kinds of things. Playing with other kids is crucial, too, for obvious reasons.

    Teach a kid to rely on TV to go to sleep and they are likely not getting quality sleep because of all the extra lights and stimuli. Not to mention, good luck then getting him to go to sleep at Grandma's, or at summer camp where there is no tv in his room.

  2. For one, children under 3, really should not watch TV because they have a hard time discriminating between auditory and visual stimulation.  So young children should not watch at all.  Another thing is that if the child has TV in their room, it will limit contact with other children and adults in the house.  They will spend less time socializing.  Children need to learn social skills by practicing the. Children also gain more knowledge from child and adult activities then they do from an "educational" program.  TV promotes laziness.  Children need gross motor activities to learn.  They go hand in hand.  A parent is also not monitoring what a child watches when the TV is in the child's room. Sometimes there are shows on children's stations that are not meant for children to watch...

  3. television in the bedroom distracts children from there vital sleep.

  4. Neither kids or adults should have a tv in their bedroom it is too much stimulation. Better a meditation tape or soft music

  5. Studies have shown that television has harmful effects to children this age.  (Even children my age).  Of course, who among us will completely take away television from children?  What a God-send at times!

    But too much clearly has a big effect on a person's focus and attention span.  There are theories that link it to autism and other issues, but they are not conclusive right now.


  6. because by watching TV, they will not do any physical activity. it will make them idle. Their brain will not think creativitly. They will sit and just watch this entertainment. can be okay to watch some productive shows through play and fun but certainly not more then 30 minutes. Still I am against to have TV int he preschool room. The main reason is: their parents send them in the preschool to learn how to share things with others, how to act and play, they want their kids to do more physical activities since workings-parents have no time. So I think, it is best if you don't keep TV in the preschool room. Once the preschool teacher or provider will keep the  TV in their room, then certainly the TV can be misused for hours and hours to keep kids busy which is not fair for the kids.

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