
From ur personal experience, how is the economy doing right now?

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This is not a place for u to bash ur political opponents or quote government stats. Keep that to yourself. I want opinions based on ur personal daily life. e.g. no one thinks we are as bad as the 70s or early 80s. I don't know about the 91 recession. But right now the economy doesn't feel as bad as 2001 recession. At that time, every a few months, there was tense talk about lay off in my company. And right now, we had some cost cut, but no rumors about layoff at all. Of course, i don't know if it matters I work in a big multinational tech company. And in '01, the apartment market in my city was horrible. They were giving out 1 or even 2 months free rent to attract tenants. And right now, my rent is still going up in big way. I know the gas and food price are up a lot. But at restaurants, i can't say there are less patrons and the malls are still crowded on weekends. Again, i don't know if my city, Austin, makes a difference here.




  1. my personal oppinion,it sucks just like bush,i moved from n.c. 2 months ago because the town i leaved in was closing alot of bussiness,s .the county was broke..

  2. For me, for some strange reason, it is effecting me more adversely then any of the others- I feel it is that way because the price of energy is going to create a recession that will lead into a depression- The high energy cost is creeping through all aspects of the economy- transportation cost, fuel cost, electricity cost, heating fuel cost, increase in food cost, clothing cost, everything in the world takes energy to produce, and when energy gets as high as it is, everything on the face of the earth goes up. Couple this with the inflation that is going rampant right now, you have the makings of a  first class disaster . In every one of the other so called recessions, I would not have known we had one, if not for the media telling me we were in one or close to it. This is one time I know that times are hard for me, and no one has to tell me that. This, I'm afraid is going to be the big one, as Fred Sanford used to say! Lord have mercy on us!

  3. Harder overall No raise in 2 years, hours cut by 25% and now it cost me around a hour work in pay just to get to work and back home.

  4. I am doing rather well.  I went through the 70s and 80s and did OK then as well.  

    Take a look at this site.  You will be suprised at what you can learn.  Updated three times a day

    Great for news on all subjects.

  5. this is a bad one

  6. I am old enough to remember all of the bad times you mentioned, and in my personal opinion this time is worse then those.

  7. Well, I'm in Texas too and I think we are going to be just fine.  My husband and I both work and we both drive to work.  I work retail and the store is just as busy as ever. Gas is up and so is food but with a few changes in the budget it will be okay.  Earlier recessions were much worse.  My hours were cut drastically in 2001 and I couldn't even find a job in the late 1970's.  That was the worse.  My husband and I were both out of work at the same time.  It was tough.  I believe the country will go through a tough year, maybe even two years but then we will spring back.  Don't have any worries about a depression we are not even close.

  8. From my personal experience, times are tough...I was just starting to get ahead then the gas crisis hit, food prices are through the roof....I'm just uncomfortable thinking about the future... It's not good right now...

  9. Its OK. I have seen it a lot worse. 2001 was bad for me as well as 1992.

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