
From what I understand , I can earn my bartending license online?

by  |  earlier

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How much does it cost and how long does it take ? Is it a course with quizzes and scores and what exactly does it entail ?

MOST IMPORTANTLY : How easy is bartending ? and will a place hire someone who is just starting out new with no prior experience?




  1. Here is what I've been told by many many bar managers.  These local bartending classes are usually a rip... most managers I've talked to say they have to un-learn you of your bad habbits after these classes.

    Also, 90% of the please I know of only cold hire VER VERY experienced bartenders, and usually only in a pinch.  Most of the waitstaff is trying to work up to bartend.

    My advice is 2 fold: 1 - get a job waiting tables at a cool restaurant where you might would like to bartend, and be very clear that that is your goal.  Waiter make a TON of money at the right place.

    2 - Get on of those bartending books and keep it on the back of the toilet... you will have it memorized in no time!

    Pretty please don't pay ANY money for some on-line bartending calls.  PLease.

    Good luck.

  2. I dont know the online thing, probably.

    Bartending is easy for those with good memory and late nights.

    They will hire you definatly if you gets a class2

  3. Don't go to bartending school (i.e. don't waste the money) unless the job you are applying to requires such an endevour (usually only hotels and casinos ask for that kind of stuff)

    Also, most states don't require a license either. Depending on what state you live in you need ot make sure of the age requirements (most states require that you are 21 years old and that's it, some want you to get a state license...etc...) Just check the laws for your state (go here:

    The most important thing that you should do is pick up the Bartender's Black Book (you can usually find it at a local package store, if not order it from Amazon). It has thousands of recipes, Plus all the basics, terms, and measurements you need to memorize immediately. Learning your pour count, knowing how to make a Long Island, a Martini, a Cosmo, how to tap a keg, etc...

    Other than knowing how to pour drinks and serve drinks quickly, the main thing a bartender has to do is listen/talk to people. Make sure you are a people person. You have to love to listen too, especially to drunks. You also want to be up to date on local stuff (where the best entertainment spots are, the nearest hotel, the cab's number, etc...) You also need to have at least two jokes you can pull from memory. One dirty, and one you could tell your mother. Both have to be funny. Also be up to date on all sports scores, especially on local teams. Know who is playing who and at what time (make sure to have it on the TV too).

    When starting out, it may be tough to get a job. The best thing to do is to apply to all the places that cycle through bartenders/barbacks a lot (like restaurants, hotel bars, etc...) Then find bars that you like personally and become somewhat of a regular at those places. Get to know the other bartenders, owners, managers, and then in a few months drop the line that you would be willing to work for them. Start out as a barback and work your way up. Most small bars are run like families anyway. You will have to know your fellow employees well. That is how I got my first two bartending jobs and eventually made it to bar manager.

    Bartending is an extremely fun job. You will meet tons of people and hear lots of interesting stories. Plus you will know alcohol better than the back of your hand. I find it to be quite rewarding when it comes to the bank account too.

    Have Fun and Good Luck!

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