
From where did the legend of the elven people originate from?

by Guest65750  |  earlier

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From where did the legend of the elven people originate from?




  1. lord of the rings?

  2. Elves are from norse mythology.

  3. from interacting with the elves of course.

  4. u mean elves?

  5. Some say Norse legends and some say Irish.

  6. Sources state that the elven stories date back to the Scandinavian people thousands of years back, i . e. Sweden and the surrounding area.

  7. While the classic "elf" is from Scandinavian/Norse mythology, (the Alfar) it is my belief that ALL mythologies were given birth by the rogue angelic entities known as the Watchers and their offspring, the Nephilim. Not having any constraints placed on them as to how they manifested physically, it is my belief that during the time before the Flood these beings were responsible for all the sightings and legends about elves, dwarves, goblins, dragons, griffons, etc, not to mention being treated like Gods - the animal headed gods of Egypt may have once been very real indeed.

  8. who said they were a legend?


    just kidding... seriously i don't know

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