
From where should I start if I want to study in australia?

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I live in Argentina and I go to university, after that I want to go to australia to study hotel management, but I don't know which title should I get, I've seen there are certificates III and IV, but I have no idea what that means.

Also there are diplomas and advanced diplomas, don't know which one should I get.

When I finish university here I'm gonna get a diploma, after that should I get a certificate or an advanced diploma?

Also how much is the australian money compared to the dolar or argentinian money?

Thanks a lot, I'm really needing this info and I'm lost between all the info I found online




  1. Whichever school you choose to go to will have an International Office that will be able to help you with all these issues, so don't worry.  Just focus on finding a place to study and they will assist you with the rest.

  2. It all depends what you want to do with your training.

    In Oz we have a standard national system for vocational training, and each of the titles (cert III, cert IV, diploma, advanced diploma) has a particular meaning, and a different level is required depending on what kind of employment you want.

    You're right that there is a glut of information, but I think the following are the most useful sites for you.

    This site will give you specific advice about specific industries, and is just about the best site for the kind of information you want.

    This site will give you information about the national vocational training system

    Be aware that your Argentinian qualifications may not be accepted in Oz, or may be partially accepted. Keep as much documentation as possible so you can get recognition of prior learning (RPL).

    Also, Australian vocational qualifications don't have the same international kudos as Australian university education. If there is a relevant degree for the field you're interested in, look into it. The universities are also more accepting and more friendly to international students than the technical colleges are. Most universities will have an international student office, but colleges don't always have them.

    As for currency, an Argentinian Peso will get you about $0.35 Australian dollars, and you can't get anything for that. A loaf of bread costs about $2.00AUD. You can get modest student accommodation in most capital cities (Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Hobart, Canberra) from about $80.00AUD per week.

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