
From which cable channel do you prefer to get your political info from?

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  1. comedy central! jon stewart and steven colbert!

  2. Cartoon Network

  3. Both FOX and CNN. One's more right the other more left. I've actually grown to like CNN more in recent years because FOX is going the way of E! with all the sensational coverage of Britney, Anna Nicole, and OJ. CNN has been very smart playing to the more serious news watchers who are concerned about the economy, politics and the war. Nonetheless, I'm a conservative so I still check FOX for their spin.

    MSNBC is good for the Olympics but nothing else.

    BTW, if you want real politics, check out C-SPAN from time to time.

  4. I flip between all three.  Depends on my mood...and the commentators moods.

  5. cnn the only one i will watch.

  6. CNN is my main TV political source.

    I like how they seem to take unprejudiced views from each party.

    The way they compose the station as a whole seems very logical and I like the way that they inform their viewers on both sides of the issues in non-biased ways.  

  7. FOX News tells me all of my opinions!!

    Then I check out the Daily Show and The Colbert Report for the real story.

    Those guys are hilarious!!

    (The truth is so obviously liberally biased.)

  8. I sometimes watch Hannity and Colmes but I mostly watch Glenn Beck on Headline News which is a branch of CNN. So I guess CNN.

  9. Fox

    But all of them lean to either the left or the right. At least Fox let both Democrats and Republicans finish there speeches.

  10. Fox.

    But i try to get points of views from all the networks, Fox is just my regular.

  11. I watch Fox for coverage of the Dems and MSNBC for coverage of Repubs.  

  12. Fox

  13. I try hard to watch a little of each. As individual entities they tend to be biased towards one candidate or another but if you watch carefully one can pick out the odd good bit of newsworthy material.

    It would be a mistake to get your news from just one source.

  14. Fox...

    I'm alright with CNN but I think they are far to biased and leftist sometimes. I still watch them from time to time though just so I can hear the other side to things. I just don't let them try to lead me like a blind sheep to whatever it is they are trying to do…

    I never watch MSNBC... It's one of my cable channels, yet I've heard to many bad things from them and their biased reporting that I can't even turn it on there.

    I'd trust Fox News over CNN & MSNBC.

  15. Fox

    I cant stand that campbell brown woman. she's been shrilling since she learned Sarah Palin is the VP Nominee. She takes it wayyyy too personal.  Same with Larry King...only Anderson Cooper and Lou Dobbs are acceptable.

    MSNBC...I feel like taking a shower if I accidentally watch their politics coverage.

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