
From which country is the national game at bull fighting?

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(a)japan (b)spain(c)china(d)indonasia




  1. Spain

  2. b

  3. (b)spain

  4. no doubt about it spain

  5. either be indonasia or spain, but mostly spain

  6. ...yeah its (b) SPAIN

  7. spain / france

    but in latin america has grown this "art"

    (i dont like it)

  8. Spain.

  9. SPAIN!

  10. several countries have bullfighting as their national sport . of those shown Spain is the correct answer.

  11. I visited the Bullfighting museum in Sevilla, Spain (btw: Sevilla used to be the capital of Spain before it was moved to Madrid).  Bullfighting has its origins in jousting and sparring.  This is definitely a sport that originated in Spain.

  12. None other than, Spain, Euro 2008 champions!

  13. from your list, Spain

    but at least two other countries have bullfighting as a sport--Portugal and Mexico

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