
From which wind speeds are take-offs and landings normally canceled on commercial airports?

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I.e., if wind speed is 30 knots (constant), is it allowed? And if gusts are 30 knots, would it then be allowed?




  1. The only restriction for wind is for a transport category airplane and that's a maximum ten knott tailwind. You can go with anything else.

  2. the previous answer is not complete,,,  with respect to this fellow,,,,    more than 10 knots tailwind   yes its dangourous and landings of jets should be avoided,  but also if the headwind was more than 40 knots and gusting and changing directions to one or anothe side    which is called (wind shear) landings are also cancelled  since the pilot can loose his indicated airspeed suddenly   and the plane can loose lots of altitude in a second were he could hit the ground,,  other wise no matter what was the speed of the wind   landings can be acomplished

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