
From whom or from where the original knowledge was passed on to mankind. De you believe in a Knowledgeble One?

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Human beings evolved from natural process. But who is the cause of knowledge in human beings or wherefrom human society gained knowledge. Who is that Knowledgeble One from whom mankind obtains knowledge?




  1. For the most part, the "cause of knowledge in humans" is what we call the "thinking process" - the ability to evaluate and compare data as it is fed into our minds by the 5 senses.

    And, yet, sometimes a rare spark of inspiration that does not seem connected to the usual thought processes will appear out of nowhere and strike one of us.  (Like the one the answer just ahead of mine referred to about Einstein and E=MC2.)

    SO where DOES something like THAT come from?  

    Does a nerve synapse suddenly reach a particular connection point in someone's brain?

    Do a couple of thoughts floating around in something like Jung's "Universal Unconscious" suddenly collide and someone here in conscious life just happens to pick up on it?

    No, I do NOT believe in a "Knowledgeble One".  

    That implies the existence of a singular, anthropomorphic lifeform with an individual identity and consciousness that knows everything and imparts little scraps and crumbs of occasional knowledge to us the way you would give Fido a  dog biscuit every now and then.  Definitely NOT a concept I find very encouraging!

    I DO, however, believe in a spiritual realm from where our physical universe is managed and maintained.  According to my spiritual studies, it is where WE rightfully live and where we return after each life to rest up before coming back here for the next one - kind of like going home for summer vacation and then returning for the next school year.

    This "knowledge" you speak of exists there and sometimes one of us will bring little bits and pieces of it back with us.  (I believe it remains intact within our sub-conscious and once in a great while, our conscious mind touches on a tiny little speck of it.)

    Well, that's MY belief on the subject, anyway.


  2. Yes.. I do believe in a knowledgeable consciousness....

    Whenever we get a great idea or whenever a great scientific invention is made, do you know what do the scientists say?

    I know Einstein said something like he got in a 'flash' (that E=Mc^2)....

    Now from where did that 'flash' came????

    Similarly all our ideas come from a plain in our brains about which there is no logical explanation.

    Human beings evolved from a natural process, but then what is 'not natural' ?

    Some scientists are saying that even global warming is natural. Evolution?

    Also I believe that there is no 'The Knowledge' or on similar lines 'The Truth'. It's more like 'A Truth' and simply knowledge.

    There is some super consciousness which is the cause of all the knowledge we have in the world today.

    That consciousness triggers our brains and puts fertile seeds in our minds which we call 'ideas' or 'flashes'.

    take care


  3. Mothers.

    The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

  4. I don't believe in a "knowledgeable one". I believe in Evolutionary Theory.

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