
From your perspective, who is fooling who in this presidential election?

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"House of Cards" Ian Richard

Things just never seem to turn out to be what they first appear to be. That is what makes novel and movies so interesting but in the politics in the real world often lead to real and, sometimes, dire consequences.




  1. the biggest con of this election is the idea that mccain is some kind of maverick.

    mccain voted in support of the bush admin over 95% of the time and that is really all i need to know.

    obama may as well be running unopposed...

  2. Obama has clearly fooled millions.

  3. Obama is the major con artist in this election...and actually, I don't even think he's good at that, either. lol

  4. Well, one candidate is certainly TRYING to fool us.

    Hugs 'n Kisses!!! '08

  5. they are both fools, and we are the biggest loser, after all they are just puppets of somehing bigger in america

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