
From your point of view, what does "going green" mean to you?

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From your point of view, what does "going green" mean to you?




  1. i live in Montana so going green is what your toes do between the time your toes thaw and turn black for frostbite. check the weather- it's freezing and Montreal got so much snow it might not thaw this summer.

  2. Going green to me:

    1.  Purchase energy efficient products for my home (lightbulbs, power strips with an on/off)

    2.  Watching my electricity use

    3.  Setting the thermostat lower in the home

    4.  Making sure my car is running at top shape (tires, oil, filters)

    5.  Planning my car trips so they are shorter and less often

    6.  Recycling what I can

    7.  Making my future purchases energy start products

  3. It means without changing things drastically to start doing things that are better for the environment. ie I now have halogen bulbs, and am recycling way more. I haven't made my car a hybrid yet, (I don't have the $2500 to do it or I would) and I'm using paints (I just painted livingroom) etc that are environmentally safe.

  4. Start recycling, reducing all of your rubbish. Walking more other than using your car can help too :)

  5. a race is about to begin

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