
From yuh school days, how old you was

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When yuh parents first buy you brand name ting fuh school? Ah know home we all wear uniforms, so I guess is shoes we talkin bout.

Back to school shopping tomorrow and de twins (10 years) want Skechers sneakers. I have never bought them any other ting besides WalMart and Payless but I figure 10 years is okay. It's Skechers, not Nike!

But I know I was older than ten for sure...wha allyuh say? And which brand yuh did get?




  1. skechers is a good brand. specially for d lil ruffneks...check d ads, cuz you can get skechers at Target & other department stores. I paid almost $50 for some dingdang Converse at Walmart, so tel dem doh hate on WalMart, dey got real ting too

    i raised up in US so you already know.... i ent have nothin but bwoy when i got my first pair Puma, you couldnt tell me nothin...

    and i had some Gloria Vanderbilt jeans & a Sasson shirt

    now, i go thrift store & plato's closet to find all kinda ting for my teenagers..but d shoes you almost always have to pay full price

    altho, my dawta find some brand new black KSwiss for $2 at thrift store, she only need dem for marching band practice, so you kno i wuznt bout to pay out no $50 for dem to get tear up in 2weeks.

  2. man i wearing brand name ting as far back as i remember ...yeah jed BATA was ah brand name ....laugh nah i sure sumbody here bling up dey BATA, had ah man who draw up ah converse sign on one in Jun. Sec. ...well da get blaze for days ah mean primary school dat wuda be ok but not in Sec. schoool yuh mad !

  3. i dont get you

  4. Who the h**l are the first two b* i* t* c *h *e *s! Anyway my first pair of name brand anything was puma sneakers. My son is ten and will be going to the fifth grade and thank god he has not started to get into labels and name brand stuff. I know it's coming soon and I'm a label freak myself when it comes to certain brands. But my son is not there yet he goes by looks not so much name.

    Yeah I had a pair of LAgear too, some pink and white ones with pink and white laces  cuz yuh know they had pair of laces for each shoe.

  5. Well I grow up in ah poor *** home and wouldn't want it any other way. The values yuh does learn boy!

    But doh mind that...ah was bout 9-10 sporting Reebok's and La Gear. But in High School ....strictly reeboks for me until one day meh mudder d buy meh ah "FLAME" sneakers.....yes boy ther rubber with laces! And ah used to get  constant heckle bout doh walk to fass gyal, the ground might ketch fire! Well now I can say this "ALLYUH, HAUL ALLYUH MUDDER"S CU..." them flames was boss!

  6. aye for real FLAME was d big thng back when i was goin to mother used to say she not goin to pay $500 for no shoes she know i go dun in a month... cause like my foot had razor.. shoes never used to last with me!

    but bk to d question... sad to say d first brand name shoes i had was when i started to work (I had to buy my own, cause is only then i would know d value)

  7. lol, allyuh doh laugh eh, but the first brand name anything i ever get was quite in form 4!!!

    ah get ah fila sneakers, (big brand eh, steups)

    then it continue into form 5... until now, heh.

    huh, i had k-cel, ah shoe name "combat"

    remember the lighting up shoes? when yuh walk the light used to blink, that was a big thing back then! well i had one if dat..

    up to now my parents does cuss if i buy a shoe for more than $500!!

  8. i guess my first set of brand named stuff would be when i was about ten years or thereabouts and i was in standard five-

    i don't see anything wrong with getting your kids a brand named item if you can afford it and they appreciate it - at the same time there is no sense in depriving yourself of something neccessary or something that can be placed to better use after all it is a child and they do face alot of peer pressure but again it is a child and they will outgrow stuff so quickly and also not care for stuff the way it should be cared for ....

    so at the end of the day Nika you know your budget and you know your kids and its all up to you and the husband to decide.......but i think you are a sweet mummy to be concerned about them and they are lucky to have a good Mom .............

  9. nike sneakers , casio watch , ummm 14 yrs

    Frig you went St.Gabriel's ? Who was d principal then? you ever buy anything in MsDolly's parlour?  

  10. huh????what's that mean?? is that english? maybe if you wrote in english , someone would understand you..

    LOL these ppl eh play dey macocious nah.. it is in english..y allyuh so fass and outta place..if yuh eh undastann it, just doh answer it..In St.Gabriel's we used to wear d white tennis I guess that was considered brand name back then.. when I went to Jr. Sec I had LA allyuh remember dem..LMAO.. i was feelin like a bess ting in school hahahah..

    My cousin done hit my aunt wit a big list of stores she want to shop and she make sure & write big and bold.. NO WALMART..She say Walmart clothes go ruin she reputation.. yuh eh see she need some clout.... I eh fine nothing wrong wit walmart..dem does have some nice clothes.. if u see d expensive stores d chile pick out.. better she than me yes..

    Yep @ Lever I used to eat by Ms. Dolly & it had a nexx parlor opposite she own..I used to frequent dey dolly had d bess preserves & ting... doh mine I used tuh hear rumors..but I eh business.. as long as my belly was full.. y what u hear? lmao...

    I think Ms. Joseph was principal when I was there....

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