
Front and rear damage to his car in auto accident what would this coverage be called on your insurance policy.

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Front and rear damage to his car in auto accident what would this coverage be called on your insurance policy.




  1. collision coverage

  2. If YOU damaged HIS car, YOUR property damage liability covers it.

    If YOU damaged YOUR car, YOUR collision coverage covers it.

  3. To pay for the damage to your car - you have to have two coverages: Collision and Comprehensive ( Other Than Collision).

    If there is front and rear damage to your car - I assume that is from the vehicle being hit in the back and pushed into another car - in which case - that is collision coverage.

    Collision coverage - pays for damage to your vehicle caused by colliding with something. So - hitting a tree, hitting a pothole, hitting another vehicle are all collision claims.

    Comprehensive pays for damage to your car that is not a collision - glass breakage, theft, vandalism, hitting a deer or animal, hitting a moving object (that's the difference between a deer and a pot hole - deer jump - pot holes don't).

    Now --- if you cause damage to someone else's car or property - your Property Damage Liability pays for that. Like BI liability (from your prior question) this coverage is required by the state up to a minimum limit.

    Now - state minimum limits are usually expressed as a fraction, such as: 25/50/25 or 10/20/5. This fraction always reads the same way and means thousands:

    So, using 10/20/5 - the first number is always the most that any one person can collect for their bodily injury. In this case 10 = 10,000. It does not matter how bad the injury is - they could be dead and if these are your limits - the most they can get is 10,000.  

    The second number - 20- means 20,000. This is the most that can be paid for all bodily injuries in any one accident. So, if you wipe out a bus load of people - your policy will not pay more than 20,000 toward the injuries. It does not matter how bad the injuries are.

    The last number - 5, means 5,000 - is the most that your policy will pay for all property damage in any one accident. So, if you lose control of your car - hit a bus and the bus goes off the road and hits a building.

    Your collision would pay for your car. But the 5,000 Pd liability would be all there is to pay for the the bus and the building.  

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