
Front derailleur rubs on 2nd chainring(front), biggest rear sprocket(rear)?

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now which way do i want to adjust my barrel adjustment? clockwise or counter clockwise?


ps- iv been making lots of topics about derailleurs in general.. trying to get mine in goodtune




  1. I *think* what you're saying is that the chain is rubbing on the FD when on the largest chainring and largest (lowest) rear sprocket.

    Well, you're not actually supposed to to use those 2 combined (same with small-small). All component manufacturers recommend that you don't have the chainline at such an extreme angles as it will increase wear on the chain, sprockets, chainrings and FD.

    Either don't use that gear (due to what I mentioned above) or *very* slightly adjust your FD's H limit s***w, so that it doesn't get pulled out as much when you shift up. Not much else you can do really unless you want to try and trim the derailleur cage:

  2. EH ????

    Please clarify this 2nd chainring(front) thing ????

    Do you mean the largest chainring or the smallest?

    EDIT: Ok Tom! - I had a suspicion that the asker may be 'cross-shifting' but I wanted them to make an effort and take a look at their bike, in order to participate in helping themselves???  Maybe they will, or maybe they won't?


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