
Front handspring front tuck!?!?

by Guest56860  |  earlier

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Okay so I really want to be able to do a front handspring front tuck and eventually a front tuck front tuck or front handspring front layout but the problem is that when I finish the front handspring I have a forward motion and find it kind of hard to set up high enough for a front tuck so I always end up pausing and then doing the front tuck. I want to be able to do the front handspring front tuck all together without a pause in between. Should I just keep working in minimizing the time in between the two skills? Any other tips on how to set higher and how to get this skill?




  1. Break it down. When you land from your handspring, start by impulsing imediateley upon landing, but not forward (like a dive) rather straing up. If you dive, you'll get into the habbit if diving and will have to work twice as hard to break this habit. Once you get enough height, practice bringing your arms up slightly curved to the front and curving your back slightly to the front (as if your swinging on the bars). From there, your handspring/front tuck combination will come almost instantly. In what you're saying, I see two important things to correct 1st, don't pause, 2nd jump straight up.

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